WORAN Event: OR, Lockdown and You

The Women in OR and Analytics Network (WORAN) would like to invite you to register for their first virtual networking event via Zoom at 4pm on 12 May 2020.

Everybody’s experience of lockdown is different, depending on their home circumstances, their work situation, their personality, and no doubt many more variables. But typically, women’s experience of lockdown is different from men’s.

"OR, Lockdown and You" has a number of purposes: to discuss issues for women in OR during the COVID emergency, and identify possible mitigating actions for individuals, WORAN, the OR Society, employers or the community as a whole; to give participants the chance to 'meet up' with colleagues in similar situations and share experiences; to pilot this new approach to building networks and connections; and, we hope, to help each other during difficult times.

The event programme is as follows:

16:00      Introduction, welcome
16:05      Scene-setting talks from our two speakers
16.20      Break-out groups.

When registering for this event, you will be able to indicate your preferences amongst the current breakout topic selection. Full details of the breakout group topics can be found below. The actual topics on the day will depend on the numbers of participants and level of interest expressed. The aim is for each group to have minimum 4 maximum 10 participants. 

16.55      Plenary session and report back from groups
17.15      Informal micro-group Networking over drinks and nibbles - bring your own drinks and nibbles.
17.25      Next steps
17.30      Close

Everyone is welcome regardless of gender. However, the event is particularly intended to ensure that the female voice is heard, and female perspectives are aired and shared.

Please note that as this meeting will take place via Zoom, you will automatically join the meeting via video. You will have the option to turn off both your video and sound during the meeting.


To register for this event please visit the OR Society page:



Dr Frances O’Brien

Associate Professor, Operational Research and Management Science

Warwick Business School,University of Warwick

Coventry, CV4 7AL