Call for Submissions for the SOLA Dissertation Award
The INFORMS Section on Location Analysis (SOLA) announces the biennial "SOLA Dissertation Award" given to the best dissertation in the area of Location Analysis. Dissertation eligibility is as follows:
1. written in English 2. completed between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2019 3. primary focus on substantive, theoretical or methodological issues in location analysis and modeling
Completed dissertations from all disciplines, including management science, industrial engineering, transportation science, geography, and economics, will be considered. Applicants are required to submit a dissertation package that includes the following as a single PDF file:
1. a cover letter stating the name of their supervisor(s) 2. a letter from their supervisor supporting their submission 3. a two-page summary of their dissertation research 4. a copy of the dissertation
Complete packages should be submitted via e-mail no later than June 1st, 2020 to the Chair, SOLA Dissertation Award at the following address.
Prof. Vladimir Marianov
Department of Electrical Engineering
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Competition results and awards will be announced at the INFORMS 2020 Annual Conference. Questions regarding this competition should be directed to Prof. Vladimir "Vlad" Marianov.
Sibel Alumur Alev, PhD Associate Professor Department of Management Sciences Faculty of Engineering | University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue West | Waterloo | Ontario | N2L 3G1 | Canada Office: CPH 4321 | Tel: 1-519-888-4567, ext. 33365 Email: | Url: