Dear EWGLA members,
As announced at EWGLA conference in Edinburgh, International Workshop on Urban Operations Research (IWUOR2019) will be held from July 19 to 21 in 2019. The conference place is Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan. The WEB site is opened and the details will be added soon. The URL of the WEB site is The domestic version of the workshop has been held every year and the main point of the workshop is to promote young researchers. IWUOR2019 preserves the point. Presentations of the preliminary results of ongoing research of graduate students or young researchers are welcomed. We are also planning to have several networking. You will have a good experience in Nagoya. The important dates are as follows: March 15, 2019 Abstract submission deadline April 30, 2019 Notice of acceptance May 31, 2019 Early registration deadline July 19-21, IWUOR2019 Please consider the submission of the abstract to attend the workshop
Atsuo Suzuki Department of Systems and Mathematical Sciences Nanzan University email: tel: +81-52-832-3295