Dear Colleagues,
We are editing a Special Issue on Fair Optimization and Networks: Models, Algorithms and Applications to be published by Journal of Applied Mathematics (an Open Access journal JCR indexed).
The issue of fairness is widely recognized in location and allocation analysis of public services. The need of fair optimization arrives also in more general problems of resource allocation such as in various network systems. Fair network optimization issues are in focus of diverse applications and problems arising in communication networks. These issues are closely related to situations where it is desirable to achieve an equitable allocation of certain resources, shared by competing demands. Fairness, more specifically, lexicographic maximin optimization, Max-Min Fairness and Proportional Fairness, are widely studied in the communication network literature, especially related to bandwidth allocation, and rate adaptation and congestion control in TCP networks. Still, this concept continues to be widely applicable in different settings in network optimization and more specifically in multi-commodity flow networks related applications.
The special issue strives to serve as a platform for researchers and practitioners to present advances in the field. We invite authors to submit original research articles that propose new models, algorithms and applications of fair network optimization. Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Fairness in communication network design including traffic routing, resource allocation, and survivability issues - Fair optimization of transportation networks - Network dimensioning, models and computational methods - Fair optimization of logistic networks - Fairness in sensor networks - Fair location and allocation of services - Fair allocation of resources, tasks, or costs - Fair scheduling
The deadline for submissions is February 7, 2014. Attached, please find the call for papers, which also contains instructions for submissions.
Best regards,
Wodzimierz Ogryczak, Hanan Luss, Dritan Nace and Michal Pióro (Guest Editors)