---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: alan murray atmurray@asu.edu
Date: Wed, May 7, 2014 at 10:07 AM
Subject: location modeling session at INFORMS
To: location-analysis@list.informs.org
Cc: Oded Berman berman@rotman.utoronto.ca, "Drezner, Zvi" <
zdrezner@exchange.fullerton.edu>, Dmitry Krass krass@rotman.utoronto.ca,
Kayse Maass leekayse@umich.edu, Mihiro Sasaki mihiro@nanzan-u.ac.jp
Just a reminder that the INFORMS May 15 deadline for abstract submissions (
http://meetings2.informs.org/sanfrancisco2014/) is quickly approaching.
Thus far, we have five SOLA sponsored sessions organized by:
* Oded Berman (location models)
* Zvi Drezner (location analysis)
* Dmitry Krass
* Kayse Maass
* Mihiro Sasaki (urban OR)
If you have a paper for inclusion in sponsored sessions, you can contact
individual session organizers (all CC'd on this email) or you can contact
me. I will put together one or more additional sessions if we have the
Alan Murray
GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation
Professor, School of Geographical Sciences & Urban Planning
Industrial Engineering Graduate Faculty, School of Computing, Informatics,
and Decision Systems Engineering
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287, USA
Email: atmurray@asu.edu
Web page:
Editor, International Regional Science Review (
Alan Murray
GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation
Professor, School of Geographical Sciences & Urban Planning
Industrial Engineering Graduate Faculty, School of Computing, Informatics,
and Decision Systems Engineering
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287, USA
Email: atmurray@asu.edu
Web page:
Editor, International Regional Science Review (