* --------------------------------------------------------------------------** **EWGLA Newsletter // February 2016** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
*About EWGLA: *
- Web page:https://www.euro-online.org/ewgla/ https://www.euro-online.org/ewgla/
- Mailing list (263 members). How to register: https://www.euro-online.org/ewgla/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chr... How to post a message: ewgla@euro-online.org How to contact the coordination board: ewgla-board@euro-online.org
- LinkedIn (52 members): https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4729361
- Facebook (96 like): https://www.facebook.com/ewgla/
Please invite your colleagues and students interested in locational analysis to register, click, like and communicate with us.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *EWGLA XXIII Meeting** * The 23rd EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis meeting will be held on September 14-16, 2016 at Málaga, Spain.
The meeting intends to gather the operations research community from different parts of the world to share experiences in the field of locational analysis. We invite participation from all areas related to location theory including: network location, continuous location, discrete location, obnoxious location, competitive location, hub location, location-routing, advanced location models, location applications (logistics, network design), exact and heuristic solution methods.
Contributions are welcome from academia, industry or the public sector. In addition to presentations, the meeting is intended to be a forum for exchange of recent experiences and results. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit an abstract formatted according to the given templates. The submissions will be evaluated by a designated scientific committee. We also offer the possibility to present short communications or ongoing works in the form of poster sessions.
*Important dates: * Submission May 15, 2016 Notification Jun 12, 2016 Early registration Jun 30, 2016 Conference Sep 14-16, 2016
*Organizing Committee: * Enrique Domínguez - Chair Sergio Salguero - Technical Office Inés Aguilar - Technical Office
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *GRANTS FOR PARTICIPATION in EWGLA 2016 in MALAGA*
EWGLA is offering a number of grants for participants. These grants will cover your expenses up to a maximum of €750. Eligible expenses are costs for travel & accommodation and the conference fee. To apply, you have to be a EWGLA member and should send the following documents as a single pdf by e-mail to the EWGLA Board (ewgla-board at euro-online.org):
- An extended abstract of at least two full pages, - Your CV - A letter of recommendation from your supervisor, if you are a PhD student.
We especially encourage young researchers and researchers from economically weak countries to apply
The deadline for applications is:*May 15th.* Decisions about grants will be made by*May 31st.*
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *EURO 2016*
28th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVIII), Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland,*July 3-6, 2016*, http://www.euro2016.poznan.pl/
We have the great pleasure of inviting you to take part in the 28th EURO Conference to be held in Poznan, Poland on 3-6 July, 2016. The Program and Organizing Committees chaired by Daniele Vigo and Joanna Jozefowska, are preparing a high quality scientific program and an exciting social program for the Conference.
There will be a stream dedicated to Location. We strongly encourage EWGLA members to participate in this event.
Deadline for abstract submission: *March 1st, 2016*
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SUMMER GRADUATE SCHOOL IMUS- MSRI-2016
*Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming: Theory, algorithms and applications
Seville (Spain), *June 20th- July 1st, 2016.*
This school is an exceptional event that will take place once and it is oriented to the presentation of theory, algorithms and applications for the solution of mixed integer nonlinear problems (MINLP). Its goal is to present, in a unified way, the current theory together with the more recent algorithms designed to address some families of problems; we will also introduce the participants to the use of specific solvers devoted to formulate and to solve instances of these problems. The lecturers will start with basic concepts, in order to be interesting for beginners, finalizing discussing advanced topics of this emerging area of mathematical optimization. This school is intended for PhD students and young researchers (a maximum of 30) who wish to advance knowledge or to gain expertise in this specific field. MSRI and the local organizers will select a number of candidates (between 20-25) that will receive a grant to support their expenses to attend the school. The registration deadline is*February 20th, 2016.*
The program activities is organized in two lectures taught in the mornings
_Lectures:_ The Theory of Mixed Integer Non-linear Programming. (Robert Weismantel, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.) Modeling aspects and applications of Mixed Integer Non-linear programming. (Jeff Linderoth, University of Wisconsin-Madisson, USA.)
Problem solving and applications sessions will be organized during the afternoon, and led by the TAs. These sessions will be devoted to working on problem sets, on real life applications, and on various projects developed by the students. Lab sessions with available MINLP solvers will also be included.
A cornerstone of the program is having students presentations about basic topics in the field. This allows students, even those with a more limited background, to work with source materials, and to practice lecturing about what they learn. We will ask students to prepare short (25-30 minute) talks on research papers of their choice. We will guide them in the preparation of their talk, as well as provide constructive criticisms of their presentation.
The Course will be held at IMUS, the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville, from June 20th till July 1st, 2016 (http://www.imus.us.es/IMUS-MSRI2016/es/ ) and will be co-organized by the MSRI (Berkeley), the IMUS Universidad de Sevilla and it is partially supported by EURO. The course has been approved by the MRSI board and additional information is available at http://www.msri.org/summer_schools/773 .
_Local Organizers:_ Franscisco J. Castro, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. Elena Fernández, Universidad Politécnica Cataluña, Spain. Justo Puerto, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *“*LoLoLA*” – *L*ibrary *o*f *Lo*cation and *L*ayout *A*lgorithms.*
The library and all related information can be downloaded from
www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~lolola <www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/%7Elolola>.
The software is released under the /GNU General Public License /and, therefore, the source code is available for downloading and modifying. Instructions on how to install the library and which algorithms are available can be found in the documentation. Moreover, an executable for the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Windows is provided. If you have any questions or have a feedback/bug report, feel free to write an email to
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *OPEN POSITION: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Mines Nantes Graduate School of Engineering)
*Mines Nantes Graduate School of engineering invites applications for an assistant/associate professor in the department of Automatic Control, Production and Computer Science. The general topic is Industrial Engineering, with a focus on optimization under uncertainty.
TEACHING : in our Industrial Engineering programmes (graduate school or international master of science). Teaching experience in one or several of the following topics is required: reliability, maintenance, risk analysis, optimization under uncertainty, simulation/discrete event systems.
RESEARCH : We are hiring a colleague with skills in stochastic optimization applied to one or several fo the following topics: risk management, production planning and sheduling, logistics networks, supply chain design and optimization, vehicle routing etc. Moreover, a strong involvement in collaborative research projects with industrials is expected.
*All European citizens may apply.* Teaching can be done either in French or English,
*Contact: Alexandre Dolgui (alexandre.dolgui@mines-nantes.fr) *
Get the application form: Florence MOULET– florence.moulet@mines-nantes.fr Jean-Philippe ROULLAND – jean-philippe.roulland@mines-nantes.fr
*The deadline for applying is february 22nd** *
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *INTERESTING EVENTS: ** * LAND- TRANSLOG III, Santa Cruz, Chile, March 13-17, 2016 http://www.sistemasdeingenieria.cl/seminarios/index.php?id_seminario=57
ILS, Bordeaux, France, June 1-4, 2016 http://www.ils2016conference.com/
VeRoLog 2016 June 6-8, 2016, Nantes, France http://verolog2016.sciencesconf.org/
TSL workshop 2016 June 19-22, 2016 Atlanta, USA https://www.informs.org/Community/TSL/TSL-Workshop-2016-Call-for-Submissions
1st conference of the EWG on Sustainable Supply Chains, July 1-2, Aachen, Germany http://sustsc2016.sciencesconf.org/
ICCL’16 September 7-9, 2016 Lisbon, Portugal http://iccl2016.widescope.pt/
ISOLDE XIV July 2017, Toronto, Canada
February 2016
/Sergio García-Quiles Jörg Kalcsics// Olivier Péton/