Dear EWGLA members,
We would like to update you with some news regarding this year’s meeting, the coordination board, grants and supports as well as the EURO2024 Locational Analysis stream.
1. XXIX EWGLA meeting was held at Sheffield University Management School on 19 - 21 June. The organization was chaired by Antonino Sgalambro while Francisco Saldanha da Gama co-chaired the Scientific Committee. The meeting hosted two plenary talks by David Simchi-Levi and Irina Gribkovskaia, 38 scientific talks and 60 participants from 15 countries. The meeting also celebrated the 40th anniversary of EWGLA, established during the first EURO Summer Institute (20 July - 10 August 1984) dedicated to Location Theory. We would like to thank the Organizing Committee, the Scientific Committee and all the participants for being part of this special meeting! You may browse the photo gallery at to feel or remember the warm atmosphere of the meeting.
2. The election of a new EWGLA Coordination Board member also took place during the EWGLA meeting: Serena Fugaro has replaced Carmela Piccolo in the board. We would like to thank Carmela for her valuable service and welcome Serena with best success wishes during her mandate.
3. Four early-career researchers have been granted support for attending EWGLA XXIX. We congratulate grantees Silvia Baldassarre (University of Bergamo), Bruna Figueiredo (University of Aveiro), Eduardo Pipicelli (University of Naples Federico II), and Sophia Wrede (RWTH Aachen) and look forward to sharing with you the video they will prepare in the upcoming days.
4. In the context of the 'Support for local or topic-specific meetings' call, the EWGLA board decided to support the “Novel methods and techniques in location science and their applications in problems with or without a facility location focus” workshop in CUNEF Universidad (Madrid, Spain) with up to 1000 Euros. This workshop is organized by Jesús María Pinar Pérez (CUNEF Universidad, Spain) and Diego Ruiz-Hernández (Sheffield University Management School). Further details are as follows: • Workshop date: 17th of July 2024. • Venue: CUNEF Universidad, Campus Leonardo Prieto Castro 2, Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, Spain. • Registration fee: No fees will be charged. • Plenary Speakers: Justo Puerto Albandoz (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) and Francisco Saldanha da Gama (Sheffield University Management School).
5. EWGLA board organized the Locational Analysis stream in the 33rd EURO Conference, held in Copenhagen between June 30 and July 3. This successful stream hosted 32 talks structured in 9 sessions addressing recent advances and important challenges in Locational Analysis ( We would like to thank all participants for their contributions!
Kind regards, Diego, Hatice, Serena