Dear Colleagues,


this is the second announcement for the XXIV EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis meeting (EWGLA 2018) to be held in Edinburgh (United Kingdom) on May 23-25, 2018. You can find further information regarding the conference at More information will be added in due time, as, for example, the precise schedule and the social activities. There will be an optional visit to The Scotch Malt Whisky Society for a whisky tasting and dinner at their premises in Leith (limited places, more information to come).


Aims and Scope

The meeting intends to gather the operational research community from different parts of the world to share experiences in the field of locational analysis. We invite participation from all areas related to location theory including, but not limited to:

* Network location.

* Continuous location.

* Discrete location.

* Obnoxious location.

* Competitive location.

* Hub location.

* Location and routing.

* Advanced location models.

* Location applications (logistics, network design).

* Exact and heuristic solution methods.


Contributions are welcome from academia, industry or the public sector. In addition to presentations, the meeting is intended to be a forum for exchange of recent experiences and results.


Important Dates


Abstract submission deadline: January 19, 2018.

Notification of acceptance: March 2, 2018.

Early registration: March 23, 2018.

Conference: May 23-25, 2018.


Scientific Committee


Sibel Alumur Alev, University of Waterloo, Canada.

Sergio Garcia Quiles, University of Edinburgh, UK (Chair).

Boglarka G.-Toth, Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem, Hungary.

Ioannis Giannikos, University of Patras, Greece.

Joerg Kalcsics, University of Edinburgh, UK (Chair).

Mercedes Landete Ruiz, Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain.

Alfredo Marin Perez, Universidad de Murcia, Spain.

Belen Martin Barragan, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Olivier Peton, Ecole de Mines de Nantes, France.

Antonio Rodriguez Chia, Universidad de Cadiz, Spain.

Francisco Saldanha da Gama, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Anita Schoebel, Universitaet Goettingen, Germany.


Organizing Committee


Tom Byrne, University of Edinburgh.

Xavier Cabezas, University of Edinburgh.

Maxence Delorme, University of Edinburgh.

Sergio Garcia Quiles, University of Edinburgh (Chair).

Joerg Kalcsics, University of Edinburgh (Chair).

Belen Martin Barragan, University of Edinburgh (Chair).

Minerva Martin del Campo, University of Edinburgh.

Lukas Schaefer, University of Edinburgh.

Saranthorn Phusingha, University of Edinburgh.

Mengyuan Xiang, University of Edinburgh.



We look forward to see you in Edinburgh,

Belen, Joerg and Sergio.




Joerg Kalcsics

Lecturer in Operational Research

School of Mathematics

University of Edinburgh


James Clerk Maxwell Building

Peter Guthrie Tait Road

Edinburgh, EH9 3FD, UK


Room: 6226

Phone: +44 (0)131 650 5953

