Dear Locaters,

Please find attached the announcement for EURO PhD Schools in 2024.

Kind regards,

From: Sarah Fores <>
Sent: Friday, 10 May 2024 14:53
To: Member Society Presidents & Reps (EURO) 
Subject: EURO PhD Schools in 2024

Dear EURO Member Societies and Working Groups

We are excited to announce two EURO PhD Schools to run in 2024.

I would be grateful if you could advertise the following to your colleagues and societies.

-   EURO PhD School on Behavioural OR
Date:  September 16-20, 2024
Location: Vienna
Country: Austra
Early application deadline 31st May 2024

-   EURO PhD School on Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Methodologies and Applications to the Sustainable Development Goals
Date:  November 4-15, 2024
Location:  Málaga
Country: Spain
Deadline 17th July 2024

With very best wishes.


Dr Sarah Fores, FORS
Manager of EURO