2016 INFORMS Telecommunications Conference Renaissance Boca Raton, Boca Raton, FL., March 20-22, 2016. https://sites.psu.edu/informstelecom2016/ FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS The Thirteenth INFORMS Telecommunications Conference will be held March 20-22, 2016 at the Renaissance Boca Raton, Boca Raton, FL. In the tradition of the previous conferences, the conference will focus on the theory and application of operations research and management science to problems in telecommunications, with particular emphasis on new and emerging technologies. The conference is organized by the INFORMS Technical Section on Telecommunications. IMPORTANT DATES - January 31, 2016: Session, tutorial and single abstract submission deadline - February 15, 2016: Notification of acceptance - February 28, 2016: Early registration deadline - March 20-22, 2016: 2016 INFORMS Telecommunications Conference - April 30, 2016: Full paper submission deadline. CONFERENCE TOPICS - Telecommunications modeling, policy and technology; - Network economics; - Network design; - Traffic routing; - Network optimization; - Network algorithms; - Sensor networks; - Wireless and broadband networks; - Vehicle and mobile computing; - Semantic networks; - Network survivability and reliability; - Information security and privacy; - Quality of service; - Internet and multimedia; - Data centers; - Data mining applications in telecommunications networks; - Big data business applications in telecommunications. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION Three kinds of submissions are invited, i.e., a proposal can be submitted for: - an organized session with 3 or 4 presentations; - a tutorial presentation; - a single presentation. An abstract of a maximum of 2000 characters not containing formulas, references or abbreviations is required for each presentation (whether it is a single presentation, a tutorial or part of an organized session). All abstracts should be submitted through the online submission system: https://www.euro-online.org/conf/telecom2016/. Proposals for organized sessions can be submitted directly to telecom2016@euro-online.org. CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRS Mike Bartolacci Penn State University MBartolacc@aol.com Mauricio G. C. Resende Amazon.com resendem@amazon.com PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS Bernard Fortz Université Libre de Bruxelles bernard.fortz@ulb.ac.be Dimitri Papadimitriou Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs dimitri.papadimitriou@alcatel-lucent.com POST-CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS A post-conference proceedings volumes with full papers will be published. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2016. A specific call for papers will be issued soon.