Dear Locators,
First of all, I hope that this message finds you well in a safe
This is to inform you that submissions on location problems in the
field of transportation and logistics
are more than welcome in the EURO Journal on Transportation and
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics
From January 1st 2020, the journal has known important publishing
and editorial changes. The journal is now published by Elsevier
with an open access status. Open access fees will be covered by
EURO for articles submitted up to 31st December 2021. So, authors
will benefit from open access at no charge. This important change
also concluded the term of Pr. Michel Bierlaire as EiC of the
journal. The new EiC is Pr. Dominique Feillet (Mines
Saint-Etienne, LIMOS, France).
New website of the journal: