Dear fellow locaters,
Here’s my November entry: 63 references, a few recent ones that appeared in print this year, most a backlog  from 2021.
Prof. Em. Frank Plastria
BUTO, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
[1] Chiara Romanengo, Bianca Falcidieno, and Silvia Biasotti. Discretisation of the Hough parameter space for fitting and recognising geometric primitives in 3D point clouds. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 228:73--86, February 2025. [ DOI ]
[2] Mostafa Khorramizadeh and Roghayeh Javvi. A branch-and-cut algorithm for the windy profitable location rural postman problem. Annals of Operations Research, 341(2–3):993--1022, August 2024. [ DOI ]
[3] Spencer Leitch and Zhiyuan Wei. Improving spatial access to healthcare facilities: an integrated approach with spatial analysis and optimization modeling. Annals of Operations Research, 341(2–3):1057--1074, May 2024. [ DOI ]
[4] Soudabeh Seyyedi Ghomi and Fahimeh Baroughi. Robust vertex centdian facility location problem on tree networks. Annals of Operations Research, 341(2–3):1135--1149, June 2024. [ DOI ]
[5] Yi Yue, Shiding Sun, Xuebei Zhang, Ruihua Li, Wencong Yang, Chang Cao, and Xiongyan Tang. VNF placement in NFV-enabled networks: considering time-varying workloads and multi-tenancy with a throughput optimization heuristic. Computing, 106(11):3657--3690, August 2024. [ DOI ]
[6] Laurine Bénéteau, Jérémie Chalopin, Victor Chepoi, and Yann Vaxès. ABC(T)-graphs: An axiomatic characterization of the median procedure in graphs with connected and G2-connected medians. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 359:55--74, December 2024. [ DOI ]
[7] Huong Nguyen-Thu, Nguyen Thanh Hung, and Nguyen Ngoc Dang Duy. Swarm optimization approaches for the minmax regret Fermat–Weber problem with budgeted-constrained uncertain point weights. Evolutionary Intelligence, 17(5–6):4115--4132, August 2024. [ DOI ]
[8] Rohit Lohani and Krishnendra Shekhawat. Construction of floorplans for plane graphs over polygonal boundaries. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 48(3), October 2024. [ DOI ]
[9] Peter A. Grossman, David Kirszenblat, Marcus Brazil, J. Hyam Rubinstein, and Doreen A. Thomas. Curvature-constrained Steiner networks with three terminals. Journal of Global Optimization, 90(3):691--710, June 2024. [ DOI ]
[10] Andrei Comăneci. Tropical convexity in location problems. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 100(2):509--534, July 2024. [ DOI ]
[11] Jaap Pedersen, Thi Thai Le, Thorsten Koch, and Janina Zittel. Optimal discrete pipe sizing for tree-shaped CO2 networks. OR Spectrum, 46(4):1163--1187, June 2024. [ DOI ]
[12] Tobias Vlćek, Knut Haase, Malte Fliedner, and Tobias Cors. Police service district planning. OR Spectrum, 46(4):1029--1061, February 2024. [ DOI ]
[13] Renan Paula Ramos Moreno, Rui Borges Lopes, Ana Luísa Ramos, José Vasconcelos Ferreira, and Diogo Correia. Vosviewer-based bibliometric review of transshipment location problem from 2000 to 2023. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 18(10):e08753, October 2024. [ DOI ]
[14] Bart Vangerven, Dirk Briskorn, Dries R. Goossens, and Frits C.R. Spieksma. Parliament seating assignment problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 296(3):914--926, February 2022. [ DOI ]
[15] Frank Plastria. Using the power of ideal solutions: simple proofs of some old and new results in location theory. 4OR, 19(3):449--467, sep 2021. [ DOI ]
[16] Dimitris Fotakis, Loukas Kavouras, and Lydia Zakynthinou. Online facility location in evolving metrics. Algorithms, 14(3):73, February 2021. [ DOI ]
[17] Lev Kazakovtsev, Ivan Rozhnov, and Guzel Shkaberina. Self-configuring (1 + 1)-evolutionary algorithm for the continuous p-median problem with agglomerative mutation. Algorithms, 14(5):130, April 2021. [ DOI ]
[18] Petr Němec, Petr Stodola, Miroslav Pecina, Jiří Neubauer, and Martin Blaha. Optimization of the weighted multi-facility location problem using ms excel. Algorithms, 14(7):191, June 2021. [ DOI ]
[19] Petr Němec and Petr Stodola. Optimization of the multi-facility location problem using widely available office software. Algorithms, 14(4):106, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[20] Markus Rabe, Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu, Jorge Chicaiza-Vaca, and Rafael D. Tordecilla. Simulation-optimization approach for multi-period facility location problems with forecasted and random demands in a last-mile logistics application. Algorithms, 14(2):41, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[21] Francisca Santana Robles, Eva Selene Hernández-Gress, Neil Hernández-Gress, and Rafael Granillo Macias. Metaheuristics in the humanitarian supply chain. Algorithms, 14(12):364, December 2021. [ DOI ]
[22] Rafael D. Tordecilla, Pedro J. Copado-Méndez, Javier Panadero, Carlos L. Quintero-Araujo, Jairo R. Montoya-Torres, and Angel A. Juan. Combining heuristics with simulation and fuzzy logic to solve a flexible-size location routing problem under uncertainty. Algorithms, 14(2):45, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[23] Anastasios N. Zachos. An evolutionary design of weighted minimum networks for four points in the three-dimensional euclidean space. Analysis, 41(2):79--112, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[24] Zahra Fattahi and Javad Behnamian. Location and transportation of intermodal hazmat considering equipment capacity and congestion impact: elastic method and sub-population genetic algorithm. Annals of Operations Research, 316(1):303--341, August 2021. [ DOI ]
[25] Mumtaz Karatas, Ertan Yakici, and Abdullah Dasci. Solving a bi-objective unmanned aircraft system location-allocation problem. Annals of Operations Research, 319(2):1631--1654, jan 2021. [ DOI ]
[26] Kaveh Khalili-Damghani, Madjid Tavana, and Peiman Ghasemi. A stochastic bi-objective simulation–optimization model for cascade disaster location-allocation-distribution problems. Annals of Operations Research, 309(1):103--141, July 2021. [ DOI ]
[27] M. C. López de-los Mozos and Juan A. Mesa. To stop or not to stop: a time-constrained trip covering location problem on a tree network. Annals of Operations Research, 316(2):1039--1061, feb 2021. [ DOI ]
[28] Najmesadat Nazemi, Sophie N. Parragh, and Walter J. Gutjahr. Bi-objective facility location under uncertainty with an application in last-mile disaster relief. Annals of Operations Research, 319(2):1689--1716, dec 2021. [ DOI ]
[29] Pardis Pourmohammadi, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Yaser Rahimi, and Chefi Triki. Solving a hub location-routing problem with a queue system under social responsibility by a fuzzy meta-heuristic algorithm. Annals of Operations Research, 324(1-2):1099--1128, oct 2021. [ DOI ]
[30] Atefeh Taghavi, Reza Ghanbari, Khatere Ghorbani-Moghadam, Alireza Davoodi, and Ali Emrouznejad. A genetic algorithm for solving bus terminal location problem using data envelopment analysis with multi-objective programming. Annals of Operations Research, 309(1):259--276, August 2021. [ DOI ]
[31] Erfan Babaee Tirkolaee, Alireza Goli, and Abbas Mardani. A novel two-echelon hierarchical location-allocation-routing optimization for green energy-efficient logistics systems. Annals of Operations Research, 324(1-2):795--823, nov 2021. [ DOI ]
[32] Muer Yang, Sameer Kumar, Xinfang Wang, and Michael J. Fry. Scenario-robust pre-disaster planning for multiple relief items. Annals of Operations Research, 335(3):1241--1266, September 2021. [ DOI ]
[33] Xiaoting Shang, Kai Yang, Bin Jia, Ziyou Gao, and Hao Ji. Heuristic algorithms for the bi-objective hierarchical multimodal hub location problem in cargo delivery systems. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 91:412--437, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[34] Xuehong Gao, Chanseok Park, Xiaopeng Chen, En Xie, Guozhong Huang, and Dingli Zhang. Globally optimal facility locations for continuous-space facility location problems. Applied Sciences, 11(16):7321, August 2021. [ DOI ]
[35] Yoshihiko Suhara, Mohsen Bahrami, Burcin Bozkaya, and Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland. Validating gravity-based market share models using large-scale transactional data. Big Data, 9(3):188--202, June 2021. [ DOI ]
[36] Samunderu Eyden and Brose Sven. Reconfiguring a multi-period facility model – an empirical test in a dynamic setting. BOHR International Journal of Operations Management Research and Practices, 1(1):17--27, 2021. [ DOI ]
[37] Hosang Hyun, Moonseo Park, Dowan Lee, and Jeonghoon Lee. Tower crane location optimization for heavy unit lifting in high-rise modular construction. Buildings, 11(3):121, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[38] Jaroslav Janáček and Marek Kvet. Efficient incrementing heuristics for generalized p-location problems. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 29(3):989--1000, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[39] Kristóf Kovács and Boglárka Tóth. Optimized location of light sources to cover a rectangular region. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 30(3):1129--1149, June 2021. [ DOI ]
[40] Yadong Li and Xuemei Li. Quantity decisions of two-stage competitive location model based on different location modes. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 9(3):2509--2520, June 2021. [ DOI ]
[41] Sang Won Bae, Arpita Baral, and Priya Ranjan Sinha Mahapatra. Maximum-width empty square and rectangular annulus. Computational Geometry, 96:101747, June 2021. [ DOI ]
[42] Therese Biedl, Ahmad Biniaz, and Anna Lubiw. Minimum ply covering of points with disks and squares. Computational Geometry, 94:101712, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[43] Jongmin Choi and Hee-Kap Ahn. Efficient planar two-center algorithms. Computational Geometry, 97:101768, August 2021. [ DOI ]
[44] Sang-Sub Kim, Rolf Klein, David Kübel, Elmar Langetepe, and Barbara Schwarzwald. Geometric firefighting in the half-plane. Computational Geometry, 95:101728, April 2021. [ DOI ]
[45] Xuehou Tan and Bo Jiang. On the upper bound on the average distance from the Fermat-Weber center of a convex body. Computational Geometry, 97:101769, August 2021. [ DOI ]
[46] Mohammad Shokouhifar. Swarm intelligence rfid network planning using multi-antenna readers for asset tracking in hospital environments. Computer Networks, 198:108427, October 2021. [ DOI ]
[47] Harsha Gwalani, Chetan Tiwari, and Armin R. Mikler. Evaluation of heuristics for the p-median problem: Scale and spatial demand distribution. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 88:101656, July 2021. [ DOI ]
[48] Kadir Biçe and Sakine Batun. Closed-loop supply chain network design under demand, return and quality uncertainty. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 155:107081, May 2021. [ DOI ]
[49] Jack Brimberg, Raca Todosijević, Dragan Urošević, and Nenad Mladenović. Efficient flow models for the uncapacitated multiple allocation p-hub median problem on non-triangular networks. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 162:107723, December 2021. [ DOI ]
[50] Jin Xin Cao, Zongxi Zhang, and Yuguang Zhou. A location-routing problem for biomass supply chains. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 152:107017, February 2021. [ DOI ]
[51] Vinícius Martins Santos Gandra, Hatice Çalık, Tony Wauters, Túlio A.M. Toffolo, Marco Antonio M. Carvalho, and Greet Vanden Berghe. The impact of loading restrictions on the two-echelon location routing problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 160:107609, October 2021. [ DOI ]
[52] Nafiseh Ghorbani-Renani, Andrés D. González, and Kash Barker. A decomposition approach for solving tri-level defender-attacker-defender problems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 153:107085, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[53] Fariba Goodarzian, Samuel Fosso Wamba, K. Mathiyazhagan, and Atour Taghipour. A new bi-objective green medicine supply chain network design under fuzzy environment: Hybrid metaheuristic algorithms. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 160:107535, October 2021. [ DOI ]
[54] Javier Guerrero-Lorente, Adriana F. Gabor, and Eva Ponce-Cueto. Corrigendum to “Omnichannel logistics network design with integrated customer preference for deliveries and returns” [Comput. Ind. Eng. 144 (2020) 106433]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 160:107569, October 2021. [ DOI ]
[55] Jingni Guo, Qian Du, and Zhenggang He. A method to improve the resilience of multimodal transport network: Location selection strategy of emergency rescue facilities. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 161:107678, November 2021. [ DOI ]
[56] Yuhan Guo, Junyu Yu, Youssef Boulaksil, Hamid Allaoui, and Fangxia Hu. Solving the sustainable supply chain network design problem by the multi-neighborhoods descent traversal algorithm. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 154:107098, April 2021. [ DOI ]
[57] Vahid Hajipour, Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki, Majid Akhgar, and Mehdi Ansari. The healthcare supply chain network design with traceability: A novel algorithm. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 161:107661, November 2021. [ DOI ]
[58] Xiaofan Lai, Xiaolong Lu, Xinyao Yu, and Ning Zhu. Multi-period integrated planning for vaccination station location and medical professional assignment under uncertainty. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 161:107673, November 2021. [ DOI ]
[59] Martha Lucía Sabogal-De La Pava, Carlos Julio Vidal-Holguín, Diego Fernando Manotas-Duque, and Juan José Bravo-Bastidas. Sustainable supply chain design considering indicators of value creation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 157:107294, July 2021. [ DOI ]
[60] Mahdieh Mirzaei, S. Mohammad J. Mirzapour Al-e hashem, and Mohsen Akbarpour Shirazi. A maximum-flow network interdiction problem in an uncertain environment under information asymmetry condition: Application to smuggling goods. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 162:107708, December 2021. [ DOI ]
[61] Seyed Sina Mohri and Hossein Haghshenas. An ambulance location problem for covering inherently rare and random road crashes. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 151:106937, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[62] Marcela María Morales Chavez, Yasel Costa, and William Sarache. A three-objective stochastic location-inventory-routing model for agricultural waste-based biofuel supply chain. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 162:107759, December 2021. [ DOI ]
[63] Raviarun A. Nadar, J.K. Jha, and Jitesh J. Thakkar. Strategic location of ambulances under temporal variation in demand and travel time using variable neighbourhood search based approach. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 162:107780, December 2021. [ DOI ]