New Submission Deadline: October 28, 2013


Call for Papers

Computers & Operations Research

Special Issue on “Recent Advances in Location Analysis


Guest Editors: Sibel A. Alumur, Bahar Y. Kara


The subjects of interest within location analysis are of many kinds, centering on the optimal choice of locations for one or more facilities, within any framework (the classical settings being discrete, network, and planar) in a way that optimizes a certain objective such as minimizing transportation costs, providing equitable service to customers, capturing the largest market share, etc. Many other fields have direct connections with location analysis, either by subject such as transportation and routing, supply chain management, environmental studies, layout and design, data and cluster analysis, or as techniques, like mathematical (linear, integer, non-linear, convex, global, ...) programming, multi-criteria analysis, approximation theory, computational geometry, statistics, etc.


Recently, there have been several new developments in location analysis. The aim of this special issue is to collect high quality papers that address recent advances in theory, practice and application. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:


Researchers from all relevant disciplines are invited to consider this special issue as an outlet to publish their high quality work on the topic.


Submission Guidelines:

All manuscripts should be submitted electronically via the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) Corresponding author must select Special Issue: Recent Advances in Location Analysis as the Article Type to make sure that the paper will be considered for the special issue.


Important Dates:

The deadline for submission to the special issue is October 28, 2013. The plan is to publish the special issue in early 2015.


Guest Editors:

Sibel A. Alumur

Department of Industrial Engineering

TOBB University of Economics and Technology

Ankara, Turkey



Bahar Y. Kara

Department of Industrial Engineering

Bilkent University

Ankara, Turkey
