Howdy EWGLA,
And greetings from Texas!
IFORS 2023 is July 10-14 in Santiago, Chile. Yours truly is chairing a facility location session in the Discrete Optimization track (Dr. Rym M'Hallah of King's College London in the Cc: box is the track chair). Looking to invite research presentations to fit the session: Facility Location on Networks. If you're interested, reply to this email and let me know.
Oh, and as a shameless bribe I'm bringing wine and cheese to the session.
Cheers, Trevor Google Voice: (409) 233-7787 Summers:
Trevor S. Hale, Ph.D. `97 Clinical Full Professor of Business Analytics Office of Naval Research Senior Faculty Fellow | Naval Base Ventura County President 2023-2025 | Texas Council of Faculty Senates Past-President 2020-2024 | National Council of Faculty Senates Faculty Senator 2021-2024 | Texas A&M Faculty Senate Editorial Board 2022-2025 | Decsion Sciences Journal of Innovative Education Mays Business School | Texas A&M University 301F Wehner | College Station, Texas 77843-4217 | Mays | Energy | Wikipedia | Scholar | Pearson ____________________________________ MAYS BUSINESS SCHOOL | ADVANCING THE WORLD'S PROSPERITY