Dear EWGLA members,
We would like to share with you the below information from EURO. If any of you are interested in and would like to participate as EWGLA member, just let us know as soon as possible.
Diego, Hatice, and Serena
Dear EURO members,
After a successful first year of OSS we again open the call for applications. See details in
As explained in the Guidelines, the call for application will be open every year until 1st April, and then resolved by the EC committee. Please disseminate this opportunity among your colleagues.
Applications should be sent using the link
In addition we are sending our annual call for the General Support Fund.
We prioritise *bids that give special consideration to the need of students (e.g., organiser of an event related to EURO willing to subsidise the participation of students), *bids that give special consideration to the need of organisers of OR events in Central and Eastern Europe, *bids that emanate from a member society of EURO or organisers of EURO sponsored events or organisers of events sponsored by a member society of EURO.
Guidelines are available at
The deadline is 1st April.
Applications should be sent using the link [1]
With best wishes.
Dr Sarah Fores, FORS Manager of EURO [2] [3] [4]
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Links: ------ [1] [2] http://goog_1482421387/ [3] [4]