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Sujet : [Ewgla-board] [CTMI2019] Minisymposium on “Mathematics of Logistics: emerging trends in Optimization and Simulation modelling”
Date : Mon, 11 Mar 2019 09:45:36 +0100
De : Anna Melchiori <a.melchiori@sportellomatematico.it>
Pour : ewgla-board@euro-online.org

Dear EWGLA Board,

I am Anna Melchiori, a Researcher of the National Research Council of Italy.

I am contacting you as on the occasion of the I Conference on Transfer between Mathematics & Industry [CTMI2019] to be held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) from 22nd to 24th July, 2019, I am organizing a scientific Minisymposium on the topic “Mathematics of Logistics: emerging trends in Optimization and Simulation modelling".
The aim of the Minisymposium is to present relevant applications of Mathematical Technologies in the Logistics sector of both industries and organizations.

In view of your focus on Locational Analysis I would kindly ask you to forward this announcement to the members of your group.

Detailed information on the CTMI2019 Conference, Minisymposium scope follow.

Please, contact me for any further detail you may need or any other suggestion.

Many thanks for your cooperation and for your interest in our initiative,

With best regards,
Dr. Anna Melchiori
Research Fellow at Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo IAC-CNR
Senior Technology Translator Officer at Sportello Matematico per l'Innovazione e le Imprese
National Research Council of Italy

CTMI2019 aims to enforce the interaction between academy and industry, leading to innovation in both fields. CTMI2019 can become one of the main forums where significant advances in industrial mathematics are presented, bringing together prominent figures from business, science and academia to promote the use of innovative mathematics to industry. Please refer to the event website for more information: http://www.itmati.com/ctmi2019/

The Minisymposium “Mathematics of Logistics: emerging trends in Optimization and Simulation modelling” aims at exploring relevant scientific contributions in the field of Optimization and Simulation developed in support of practical challenges faced in the Logistics sector by companies and organizations. A particular highlight will be put on success experiences of technology transfer and real-world applications of Optimization and Simulation methods that led to quantitative and qualitative improvements in logistic activities of industries and public institutions among others.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Optimization and Simulation for Smart City, Green and Collaborative Logistics to support the development of efficient and sustainable transportation plans for freight, goods and people in urban areas, including newly form of structured collaborations among different actors, also with regard to environmental and socio-economic aspects

Optimization and Simulation for Humanitarian and Emergency Logistics to support the planning of effective and quick logistic response to natural disasters, humanitarian crisis, emergency and long recovery interventions

Success cases on the development of Decision Support System for the optimal management, planning and analysis of logistic activities based on Optimization and Simulation techniques

In order to submit a contributions, authors are kindly requested to send an email to a.melchiori@sportellomatematico.it by the 20th March 2019 at the latest, including:
# List of the authors and name of the proposed speaker
# Affiliation and contact information
# Title of the contribution
# Short Abstract (Word, Latex or Pdf formats)
Acceptance of the contribution will be notified to the authors before 30th March 2019.

Authors of accepted contributions will be required to give a 30 minutes presentation at the Conference. 
A detailed schedule will be provided on the event website in due course.

Dr. Anna Melchiori
Research Fellow at Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo IAC-CNR
Senior Technology Translator Officer at Sportello Matematico per l'Innovazione e le Imprese

National Research Council of Italy