Dear Locaters,
Here is my midsummer entry.
Somewhat longer: 72 entries, some very recent and several older ones up to from 2022.
Frank Plastria
Prof. Em. Frank Plastria
BUTO, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
[1] Qi Zhao, Wenjing Liu, Qingqin Nong, and Qizhi Fang. Constrained heterogeneous two-facility location games with sum-variant. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 47(4), April 2024. [ DOI ]
[2] Ertan Yakıcı, Mumtaz Karatas, Levent Eriskin, and Engin Cicek. Location and routing of armed unmanned aerial vehicles and carrier platforms against mobile targets. Computers & Operations Research, 169:106727, September 2024. [ DOI ]
[3] Zhiqi Wang, Dong Gao, Kenan Deng, Yong Lu, Shoudong Ma, and Jiao Zhao. Robot base position and spacecraft cabin angle optimization via homogeneous stiffness domain index with nonlinear stiffness characteristics. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 90:102793, December 2024. [ DOI ]
[4] Gang Wang. Disaster relief supply chain network planning under uncertainty. Annals of Operations Research, 338(2–3):1127--1156, April 2024. [ DOI ]
[5] Cheng-Hsiao Tsou, Ching-Chi Lin, and Chan-Hung Hsu. Finding broadcast 2-centers of a tree under the postal model. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 356:182--190, October 2024. [ DOI ]
[6] Yu-Chung Tsao, Habtamu Tesfaye Balo, and Carmen Kar Hang Lee. Resilient and sustainable semiconductor supply chain network design under trade credit and uncertainty of supply and demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 274:109318, August 2024. [ DOI ]
[7] Josiah Reiswig. A note on the Steiner k-radius and Steiner k-diameter. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 356:13--20, October 2024. [ DOI ]
[8] Miguel A. Pozo, Justo Puerto, and Alberto Torrejón. The ordered median tree location problem. Computers & Operations Research, 169:106746, September 2024. [ DOI ]
[9] Jaap Pedersen, Jann Michael Weinand, Chloi Syranidou, and Daniel Rehfeldt. An efficient solver for large-scale onshore wind farm siting including cable routing. European Journal of Operational Research, 317:616--630, November 2024. [ DOI ]
[10] Rodrigo Troian, Gisele Tessari Santos, and Rodrigo Alexandre Celestino Campos. Analysis of the location problem of emergency attendance teams for a railroad through optimization. International Transactions in Operational Research, 31(6):4363--4399, March 2023. [ DOI ]
[11] Rostislav Staněk, Peter Greistorfer, and Anna Elisabeth Kastner. Advanced optimization models for the location of charging stations in e-mobility. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 32(3):737--761, December 2023. [ DOI ]
[12] Sahori Polino, JoséFernando CamachoVallejo, and Juan G. Villegas. A facility location problem for extracurricular workshop planning: bilevel model and metaheuristics. International Transactions in Operational Research, 31(6):4025--4067, September 2023. [ DOI ]
[13] Anchal Patil, Vipulesh Shardeo, Ashish Dwivedi, Noor Ulain Rizvi, and Sanjoy Kumar Paul. A framework to evaluate the temporary hospital locations in wake of COVID-19 pandemic: implications to healthcare operations. Operations Management Research, 17(2):438--452, September 2023. [ DOI ]
[14] Zvi Drezner, Morton O’Kelly, and Pawel Kalczynski. Stochastic location models applied to multipurpose shopping trips. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 75(8):1524--1534, September 2023. [ DOI ]
[15] Guilherme Barbosa de Almeida, Elisangela Martins de Sá, Sérgio Ricardo de Souza, and Marcone Jamilson Freitas Souza. A hybrid iterated local search matheuristic for large-scale single source capacitated facility location problems. Journal of Heuristics, 30(3–4):145--172, December 2023. [ DOI ]
[16] P. Commendatore, I. Kubin, M. Sodini, and I. Sushko. The impact of pollution on the dynamics of industry location and residence choice. Annals of Operations Research, 337(3):739--768, September 2023. [ DOI ]
[17] Babak Aslani, Meysam Rabiee, Mona Jabbari, and Dursun Delen. Retracted article: An optimization framework for the sustainable healthcare facility location problem using a hierarchical conflict resolution approach. Annals of Operations Research, 337(S1):31--32, June 2023. [ DOI ]
[18] Guangchun Zhong, Guofang Zhai, Kai Shang, and Wei Chen. A two-stage hierarchical model for spatial location and evacuation allocation problem of urban earthquake shelters: a case study in central urban area of Yangbi county, Yunnan province, China. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 13(1):1721--1761, July 2022. [ DOI ]
[19] Chuang Zhang, Yantong Li, Junhai Cao, Zhen Yang, and Leandro C. Coelho. Exact and matheuristic methods for the parallel machine scheduling and location problem with delivery time and due date. Computers & Operations Research, 147:105936, November 2022. [ DOI ]
[20] Haifeng Zhang, Kai Yang, Yuan Gao, and Lixing Yang. Accelerating Benders decomposition for stochastic incomplete multimodal hub location problem in many-to-many transportation and distribution systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 248:108493, June 2022. [ DOI ]
[21] Kaike Zhang, Xueping Li, and Mingzhou Jin. Efficient solution methods for a general r-interdiction median problem with fortification. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(2):1272--1290, March 2022. [ DOI ]
[22] Shun Zhang, Jianlin Jiang, Su Zhang, Yibing Lv, and Yuzhen Guo. ADMM-type methods for generalized multi-facility Weber problem. Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 18(1):613, 2022. [ DOI ]
[23] Hua-Xin Zhang and Chun-Miao Zhang. Multiobjective green time-dependent location-routing problem and algorithms. Advances in Operations Research, 2022:1--16, May 2022. [ DOI ]
[24] Shuang Yang, Jianjun Wu, Huijun Sun, Yunchao Qu, and David Z.W. Wang. Integrated optimization of pricing and relocation in the competitive carsharing market: A multi-leader-follower game model. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 138:103613, May 2022. [ DOI ]
[25] Zhifeng Xiao, Jianing Zhi, and Burcu B. Keskin. Towards a machine learning-aided metaheuristic framework for a production/distribution system design problem. Computers & Operations Research, 146:105897, October 2022. [ DOI ]
[26] Peng Wu, Ligang Zhou, and Luis Martínez. An integrated hesitant fuzzy linguistic model for multiple attribute group decision-making for health management center selection. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 171:108404, September 2022. [ DOI ]
[27] Jiang Wu, Pei-wen Zhang, Yu Wang, and Jim (Junmin) Shi. Integrated aviation model and metaheuristic algorithm for hub-and-spoke network design and airline fleet planning. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 164:102755, August 2022. [ DOI ]
[28] Yuehui Wu, Ali Gul Qureshi, and Tadashi Yamada. Adaptive large neighborhood decomposition search algorithm for multi-allocation hub location routing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 302(3):1113--1127, November 2022. [ DOI ]
[29] Weitiao Wu, Jian Ma, Ronghui Liu, and Wenzhou Jin. Multi-class hazmat distribution network design with inventory and superimposed risks. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 161:102693, May 2022. [ DOI ]
[30] Tao Wu, Le Huang, Zhe Liang, Xiaoning Zhang, and Canrong Zhang. A supervised learning-driven heuristic for solving the facility location and production planning problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 301(2):785--796, September 2022. [ DOI ]
[31] Jason Woldt and Michael Godfrey. Is there a home field advantage? the impact of shareholder wealth from u.s. manufacturing location decisions: A comparative analysis. International Journal of Production Economics, 248:108502, June 2022. [ DOI ]
[32] Zhaodong Wang, Yanfeng Ouyang, and Ruifeng She. On solving a class of continuous traffic equilibrium problems and planning facility location under congestion. Operations Research, 70(3):1465--1484, May 2022. [ DOI ]
[33] Qingyi Wang, Zhuomeng Liu, Peng Jiang, and Li Luo. A stochastic programming model for emergency supplies pre-positioning, transshipment and procurement in a regional healthcare coalition. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 82:101279, August 2022. [ DOI ]
[34] Stefan Voigt, Markus Frank, Pirmin Fontaine, and Heinrich Kuhn. Hybrid adaptive large neighborhood search for vehicle routing problems with depot location decisions. Computers & Operations Research, 146:105856, October 2022. [ DOI ]
[35] Mohammad Mahdi Vali-Siar, Emad Roghanian, and Armin Jabbarzadeh. Resilient mixed open and closed-loop supply chain network design under operational and disruption risks considering competition: A case study. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 172:108513, October 2022. [ DOI ]
[36] Kaan Unnu and Jennifer Pazour. Evaluating on-demand warehousing via dynamic facility location models. IISE Transactions, 54(10):988--1003, January 2022. [ DOI ]
[37] Qingyun Tian, Yun Hui Lin, David Z.W. Wang, and Yang Liu. Planning for modular-vehicle transit service system: Model formulation and solution methods. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 138:103627, May 2022. [ DOI ]
[38] Sven Smolka and Zoltán Ádám Mann. Evaluation of fog application placement algorithms: a survey. Computing, 104(6):1397--1423, February 2022. [ DOI ]
[39] He Shi and Qingna Li. A facial reduction approach for the single source localization problem. Journal of Global Optimization, 87(6):831–855, jun 2023. [ DOI ]
[40] Lipika Shaw, Soumen Kumar Das, and Sankar Kumar Roy. Location-allocation problem for resource distribution under uncertainty in disaster relief operations. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 82:101232, August 2022. [ DOI ]
[41] Sh. Sharif Azadeh, J. Vester, and M.Y. Maknoon. Electrification of a bus system with fast charging stations: Impact of battery degradation on design decisions. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 142:103807, September 2022. [ DOI ]
[42] Sinem Kınay Savaşer and Bahar Yetis Kara. Mobile healthcare services in rural areas: an application with periodic location routing problem. OR Spectrum, 44(3):875--910, March 2022. [ DOI ]
[43] J. Sánchez-Oro, A.D. López-Sánchez, A.G. Hernández-Díaz, and A. Duarte. GRASP with strategic oscillation for the α-neighbor p-center problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 303(1):143--158, November 2022. [ DOI ]
[44] Hosseinali Salemi and Austin Buchanan. Solving the distance-based critical node problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(3):1309--1326, May 2022. [ DOI ]
[45] Mostafa Salari, Lina Kattan, and Monica Gentili. Optimal roadside units location for path flow reconstruction in a connected vehicle environment. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 138:103625, May 2022. [ DOI ]
[46] Hannan Sadjady Naeeni and Navid Sabbaghi. Sustainable supply chain network design: A case of the glass manufacturer in asia. International Journal of Production Economics, 248:108483, June 2022. [ DOI ]
[47] Borzou Rostami, Masoud Chitsaz, Okan Arslan, Gilbert Laporte, and Andrea Lodi. Single allocation hub location with heterogeneous economies of scale. Operations Research, 70(2):766--785, March 2022. [ DOI ]
[48] Samuel Rosa and Radoslav Harman. Computing minimum-volume enclosing ellipsoids for large datasets. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 171:107452, July 2022. [ DOI ]
[49] Zahra Rahimi, Mohammad Javad Sobouti, Reza Ghanbari, Seyed Amin Hosseini Seno, Amir Hossein Mohajerzadeh, Hamed Ahmadi, and Halim Yanikomeroglu. An efficient 3-D positioning approach to minimize required UAVs for IoT network coverage. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(1):558--571, jan 2022. [ DOI ]
[50] B. Amelia Pludow, Alan T. Murray, and Richard L. Church. Service quality modeling to support optimizing facility location in a microscale environment. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 82:101273, August 2022. [ DOI ]
[51] Jose-Benito Perez-Lopez, Margarita Novales, and Alfonso Orro. Spatially correlated nested logit model for spatial location choice. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 161:1--12, July 2022. [ DOI ]
[52] Logan Pedersen and Haitao Wang. Algorithms for the line-constrained disk coverage and related problems. Computational Geometry, 105–106:101883, August 2022. [ DOI ]
[53] Juan P. Ospina, Juan C. Duque, Verónica Botero-Fernández, and Alejandro Montoya. The maximal covering bicycle network design problem. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 159:222--236, May 2022. [ DOI ]
[54] Leise Kelli de Oliveira, Gabriela Pereira Lopes, Renata Lúcia Magalhães de Oliveira, Lílian dos Santos Fontes Pereira Bracarense, and Cira Souza Pitombo. An investigation of contributing factors for warehouse location and the relationship between local attributes and explanatory variables of warehouse freight trip generation model. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 162:206--219, August 2022. [ DOI ]
[55] Samuel Nucamendi-Guillén, Iris Martínez-Salazar, Sara Khodaparasti, and Maria Elena Bruni. New formulations and solution approaches for the latency location routing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 143:105767, July 2022. [ DOI ]
[56] S. Nobakhtian and A. Raeisi Dehkordi. A new algorithm for the minimax location problem with the closest distance. Optimization, 72(12):2893--2923, may 2022. [ DOI ]
[57] Kien Trung Nguyen, Wen Chean Teh, Nguyen Thanh Hung, and Huong Nguyen-Thu. A linear time algorithm for connected p-centdian problem on block graphs. Theoretical Computer Science, 923:318--326, June 2022. [ DOI ]
[58] Mohammed Nawazish, Sidhartha S. Padhi, and T.C. Edwin Cheng. Stratified delivery aid plans for humanitarian aid distribution centre selection. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 171:108451, September 2022. [ DOI ]
[59] Nima Namvar and Fatemeh Afghah. Heterogeneous airborne mmWave cells: Optimal placement for power-efficient maximum coverage. In IEEE INFOCOM 2022 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). IEEE, may 2022. [ DOI ]
[60] Arsalan Rahmani and Meysam Hosseini. A time-dependent green location-routing problem with variable speed of vehicles. OPSEARCH, 59(3):945--973, April 2022. [ DOI ]
[61] Jairo Rocha de Faria, Daniel Lesnic, Rômulo da Silva Lima, and Thiago José Machado. The method of fundamental solutions for pointwise source reconstruction. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 114:171--179, May 2022. [ DOI ]
[62] Vinícius R. Máximo, JeanFrançois Cordeau, and Mariá C. V. Nascimento. A hybrid adaptive iterated local search heuristic for the maximal covering location problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 32:176--193, January 2025. [ DOI ]
[63] Seyed Mousavi, Soni Bhambar, and Matthew England. An iterated greedy algorithm with variable reconstruction size for the obnoxious pmedian problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 32:69--89, January 2025. [ DOI ]
[64] I. LozanoOsorio, J. SánchezOro, A.D. LópezSánchez, and A. Duarte. A variable neighborhood search for the median location problem with interconnected facilities. International Transactions in Operational Research, 32:144--175, January 2025. [ DOI ]
[65] Canser Bilir. Effect of demand uncertainty on omnichannel distribution network design strategies. International Transactions in Operational Research, 32:438--477, jan 2025. [ DOI ]
[66] Kannan Govindan, Fereshteh Sadeghi Naieni Fard, Fahimeh Asgari, Shahryar Sorooshian, and Hassan Mina. Designing a resilient reverse network to manage the infectious healthcare waste under uncertainty: A stochastic optimization approach. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 194:110390, August 2024. [ DOI ]
[67] Jiayan Xu, Chuling Yu, Sijing Deng, Penglin Zhang, and Yu Tian. A multinational firm’s global manufacturing location and outsourcing strategies. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 194:110386, August 2024. [ DOI ]
[68] Yang Liu, Jun Tian, Ning Yu, and Shun Jia. A cost-effective model for emergency supplies prepositioning and procurement pricing via option contracts. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 194:110369, August 2024. [ DOI ]
[69] Hongzhi Wang, Haojie Ran, and Shuhua Zhang. Location-routing optimization problem of country-township-village three-level green logistics network considering fuel-electric mixed fleets under carbon emission regulation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 194:110343, August 2024. [ DOI ]
[70] Behrang Bootaki and Guoqing Zhang. A location-production-routing problem for distributed manufacturing platforms: A neural genetic algorithm solution methodology. International Journal of Production Economics, 275:109325, September 2024. [ DOI ]
[71] Ralf Krohn, Sven Müller, and Knut Haase. Correction to: Preventive healthcare facility location planning with quality-conscious clients. OR Spectrum, 46(3):1027--1027, March 2024. [ DOI ]
[72] Afshin Kamyabniya, Antoine Sauré, F. Sibel Salman, Noureddine Bénichou, and Jonathan Patrick. Optimization models for disaster response operations: a literature review. OR Spectrum, 46(3):737--783, March 2024. [ DOI ]