Dear colleagues,


Due to a number of requests, we have decided to once again extend the deadline for the submission of papers to a special issue of Computers & Operations Research. Below you will find the call for papers. This will be the last extension!


Best regards


Call for Papers

Computers & Operations Research

Special Issue: Challenges and Perspectives in Location Science

NEW DEADLINE: August 31, 2024


We invite the submission of high-quality manuscripts to a special issue of Computers & Operations Research on Challenges and Perspectives in Location Science.


This special issue is dedicated to the International Symposium on Locational Decisions (ISOLDE XVI 2023), which was held in Germany from 25 to 30 June 2023. However, contributions that were not presented at the conference are also welcome.


Submissions presenting innovative research and addressing theoretical achievements, algorithmic development as well as real-world applications within Location Science are encouraged. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

·       Continuous Location

·       Network Location

·       Discrete Location

·       Hub Location

·       Location and Logistics

·       Location Decisions in Traffic Planning

·       Network/Supply Chain Design

·       Location-Routing

·       Location under Uncertainty

·       Competitive Location

·       Territory Design

·       Applications of Facility Location Problems


All submissions will be thoroughly reviewed according to the high standards of Computers & Operations Research.


The guide for authors can be found at:


Full papers must be submitted through the Elsevier Editorial Manager (EM) system at


The NEW deadline for submission is August 31, 2024.


Accepted papers will be published online individually, before print publication. Additional information about the special issue can be obtained from the Guest Editors or


We look forward to receiving your contribution.


Kind regards,

Guest Editors:

  Teresa Melo,

  Stefan Nickel,   

  Anita Schöbel,