Dear colleagues,

This is the announcement for the 22nd EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis Meeting, EWGLA XXII, to be held in Budapest, Hungary on May 20-22, 2015. The conference will take place at the Corvinus University.

Extended abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2015

More information regarding the conference can be found in the conference web site:

Aims and Scope

The meeting intends to gather the operations research community from different parts of the world to share experiences in the field of locational analysis

We invite participation from all areas related to location theory including:

  • network location,
  • continuous location,
  • discrete location,
  • obnoxious location,
  • competitive location,
  • hub location,
  • location-routing,
  • advanced location models,
  • location applications (logistics, network design),
  • exact and heuristic solution methods.

Contributions are welcome from academia, industry or the public sector. In addition to presentations, the meeting is intended to be a forum for exchange of recent experiences and results.

Important Dates

ˇ        Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2015

ˇ        Notification of acceptance: 5 February 2015

ˇ        Early registration: 20 March 2015

ˇ        Conference: 20-22 May 2015



 Scientific Committee:

Sibel Alumur Alev – University of Waterloo, Canada
Botond Bertók – Pannon University, Hungary
Emilio Carrizosa Priego – University of Sevilla, Spain
Laureano F. Escudero – King Juan Carlos University, Spain
Elena Fernandez Areizaga – University Politecnica de Cataluna, Spain
José Fernández - University of Murcia, Spain
Boglárka G.-Tóth – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary (chair)
Ioannis Giannikos – University of Patras, Greece
Horst Hamacher – University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Dmitry Krass – University of Toronto, Canada
Mercedes Landete Ruiz – University Miguel Hernandez of Elche, Spain
Alfredo Marin Perez – University of Murcia, Spain
Stefan Nickel – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Olivier Péton – Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
Francisco Saldanha da Gama – University of Lisbon, Portugal
Anita Schöbel – University of Goettingen, Germany

 Local Committee:

Marianna E.-Nagy – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Boglárka G.-Tóth – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary (chair)
Kristóf Kovács – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Miklós Pintér – Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
József Temesi – Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary

 EWGLA Coordination Board:

Sibel Alumur Alev – University of Waterloo, Canada
Ioannis Giannikos – University of Patras, Greece
Mercedes Landete Ruiz – University Miguel Hernandez of Elche, Spain

We are looking forward to meet you in Budapest!
Boglárka G.-Tóth