I agree, too

All the best,


Il 16/08/2018 18:53, laureano.escudero ha scritto:
I agree. Wondeful choice.
Cheers, Laureano

Enviado desde mi smartphone Samsung Galaxy.

-------- Mensaje original --------
De: KALCSICS Joerg <Joerg.Kalcsics@ed.ac.uk>
Fecha: 16/8/18 15:35 (GMT+01:00)
Para: ewgla@euro-online.org
Asunto: [Ewgla] Candidate for the EWGLA board

Dear EWGLA members,


we have received the proposal of one candidate for replacing Sergio in the EWGLA board. Please find it attached.


As we have just one candidate, there is no need for a vote. If you would like to comment anything on this proposal, please let us know by Friday 24 August. If by that date there are no objections, the candidate will be automatically elected.


Best wishes,







Joerg Kalcsics

Lecturer in Operational Research

School of Mathematics

University of Edinburgh


James Clerk Maxwell Building

Peter Guthrie Tait Road

Edinburgh, EH9 3FD, UK


Room: 6226

Phone: +44 (0)131 650 5953

Email: joerg.kalcsics@ed.ac.uk

Web: http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/people/show?person=450



Ewgla mailing list

Marcello Sanguineti, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Operations Research
Department of Computer Science, Bioengineering,
Robotics, and Systems Engineering (DIBRIS)
University of Genova
Via Opera Pia, 13 - 16145 Genova (Italy)
Phone (office): +39 010 353 2701-2983 - Mobile:   +39 320 433 0866 
Fax: +39 010 353 2154