*EURO 2018 - Call for invited sessions - OR for Health and Care* **
Dear Colleague,
As you may know, EURO 2018 -- the 29th European Conference on Operational Research -- will be held in Valencia, Spain from 8 to 11 July, 2018. (http://euro2018valencia.com/).
As organisers of the stream "OR for Health and Care" we would like to cordially invite you to organise a session on associated topics. Manifestations of interest should be sent to ana.viana@inesctec.pt, joana@fe.uc.pt or hrocha@mat.uc.pt, with an indication of the topic to be addressed in that session and name(s) of the organiser(s).
The deadline for submission of proposals is January 31th, 2018. After acceptance of the topic, session organisers will be contacted with additional information regarding the abstract submission process.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Ana Viana Humberto Rocha Joana Matos Dias