Dear Locators,


CUNEF Universidad, in collaboration with Sheffield University Management School, is pleased to invite you to the Workshop “Novel methods and techniques in location science and their applications in problems with or without a facility location focus”, that will be celebrated in Madrid (Spain) on the 17th of July 2024.

Traditional facility location models have been widely deployed to the solution of challenging location problems in diverse applied and theoretical settings. However, the application of facility location models has not been limited to location problems, and these techniques have been also applied to seemingly unconnected problems. For example, the p-median formulation has been used in clustering and data set partitioning problems; graph colouring problems; districting and hierarchical districting problems; as a grouping tool for team-orienteering problems; for genome rearrangement studies in genetics; and for drug response prediction in tumour cells; among others.

The workshop aims at bringing together researchers interested in developing novel methods and applications of location models, together with those who are interested in exploring the application of those models beyond the traditional scope of facility location problems.

The workshop will work as a melting pot for ideas and interactions between experts of different backgrounds and may open new and exciting areas of research for the location community.

Researchers and practitioners are invited to present works in the form of oral communications. For participation, the submission of a short abstract is required (max. 400 words). No registration fees will be charged.

The workshop has the financial support from the European Working Group in Locational Analysis (EWGLA). Therefore, participation of doctoral students is especially encouraged. Doctoral students are eligible for partial support of their travel expenses.


Plenary Speakers

Prof. Justo Puerto Albandoz (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)

Prof. Francisco Saldanha da Gama (Sheffield University Management School)


Organising Committee

Dr. Jesús María Pinar Pérez (CUNEF Universidad, Spain)

Dr. Diego Ruiz-Hernández (Sheffield University Management School)



Please submit your abstracts to using as subject: ABSTRACT LOCATION WORKSHOP 2024.



Kind Regards,

Jesús María Pinar and Diego Ruiz-Hernández



Jesús María Pinar Pérez

Dpto. de Métodos Cuantitativos

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