Dear locators, These are my last hours as a board member, and I'd like to use them to thank you for this great experience.
I feel very engaged with this community. I attended my first EWGLA meeting in 2011 in Nantes as a first-year PhD student (my first presentation at a conference), and many memories have been collected in the following years. I have attended many editions, known many friends, started new collaborations and initiated new students to location analysis, who are now very enthusiastic to be part of this group. :)
I regret to have missed some meetings in the last years, but my period in the board has overlapped (apart from the covid pandemic) with a particular period of my life in which it was not so easy to travel around. I hope to recover. In particular, I would like to justify my absence from this meeting, but very important personal motivations have forced me to cancel my participation at the last moment. I would have never made this choice with levity due to my role on the board.
Lastly, I take this occasion to wish the new board member all the best and express my availability to continue supporting the board and contributing to its activities as needed.
I hope to see you very soon, Carmen