Hello fellow locaters,
Find below my february collection: 81 titles, several already of this new year, a few still of 2024, and most dated 2021.
Frank Plastria
Prof. Em. Frank Plastria
BUTO, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
[1] Mohammad Amin Amani, Samuel Asumadu Sarkodie, Jiuh-Biing Sheu, Mohammad Mahdi Nasiri, and Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam. A data-driven hybrid scenario-based robust optimization method for relief logistics network design. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 194:103931, February 2025. [ DOI ]
[2] Jesica de Armas and José A. Moreno-Pérez. A survey on variable neighborhood search for sustainable logistics. Algorithms, 18(1):38, January 2025. [ DOI ]
[3] Salar Babaei, Mehran Khalaj, Mehdi Keramatpour, and Ramin Enayati. Multi-objective optimization for green BTS site selection in telecommunication networks using NSGA-II and MOPSO. Algorithms, 18(1):9, January 2025. [ DOI ]
[4] Amin Ahmadi Digehsara, Menglei Ji, Amir Ardestani-Jaafari, and Hoda Bidkhori. Equity-driven facility location: A two-stage robust optimization approach. Computers & Operations Research, 176:106920, April 2025. [ DOI ]
[5] H. Gitinavard, V. Mohagheghi, M. Akbarpour Shirazi, and S.M. Mousavi. Biofuel supply chain network design in competitive feedstock markets: An interactive possibilistic programming-based intelligent agent system. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 200:110849, February 2025. [ DOI ]
[6] Ying Li, Feifan Li, Qiuyi Li, and Pengwei Zhang. Battery swapping station location routing problem: A cooperative business model. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 200:110775, February 2025. [ DOI ]
[7] Nidia Mendoza-Andrade, Efrain Ruiz-y Ruiz, and Suemi Rodriguez-Romo. Solution algorithms for the capacitated location tree problem with interconnections. Algorithms, 18(1):50, January 2025. [ DOI ]
[8] Alejandro Moya-Martínez, Mercedes Landete, Juan F. Monge, and Sergio García. New models for close enough facility location problems. Computers & Operations Research, 176:106957, April 2025. [ DOI ]
[9] Gabriela Rodríguez-Cortés, Anabel Martínez-Vargas, MA Cosío-León, Daniela M. Martínez, and Oscar Montiel. 2-D deployment of aerial base stations: A simulation model to provide voice communication. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 139:103048, February 2025. [ DOI ]
[10] Fran Setiawan, Tolga Bektaş, and Çağatay Iris. The hub location problem with comparisons of compact formulations: A note. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 194:103902, February 2025. [ DOI ]
[11] Domenico Spensieri, Edvin Åblad, Raad Salman, and Johan S. Carlson. A unified sampling method for optimal feature coverage and robot placement. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 93:102932, June 2025. [ DOI ]
[12] Meng Wang, Mengfei Zhao, Hui Li, Jiangtao Cui, Bo Yang, and Tao Xue. MC2LS: Towards efficient collective location selection in competition. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 37(2):766--780, February 2025. [ DOI ]
[13] Ling Zhang, Na Yuan, Jing Wang, and Jizhao Li. Research on location-inventory-routing optimization of emergency logistics based on multiple reliability under uncertainty. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 200:110826, February 2025. [ DOI ]
[14] Nail Tahirov, Najmaddin Akhundov, Simon Emde, and Christoph H. Glock. Configuration of last-mile distribution networks for an encroaching manufacturer. Annals of Operations Research, 344(2–3):679--720, May 2024. [ DOI ]
[15] Christian Truden, Christian Wankmüller, Dominik Zehetner, and Margaretha Gansterer. Location and capacity allocation for emergency contact points in large-scale power outages. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 33(1):241--276, July 2024. [ DOI ]
[16] Li Zhang, Jing Yuan, and Qiaoliang Li. An approximation algorithm for k-level squared metric facility location problem with outliers. Optimization Letters, 19(1):139--149, April 2024. [ DOI ]
[17] Berkan Höke, Zeynep Zerrin Turgay, Cem Ünsalan, and Hande Küçükaydin. Determining and evaluating new store locations using remote sensing and machine learning. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 29(3):1509--1523, May 2021. [ DOI ]
[18] René van Bevern, Oxana Yu. Tsidulko, and Philipp Zschoche. Representative families for matroid intersections, with applications to location, packing, and covering problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 298:110--128, July 2021. [ DOI ]
[19] Xujin Chen, Xiaodong Hu, Zhongzheng Tang, and Chenhao Wang. Tight efficiency lower bounds for strategy-proof mechanisms in two-opposite-facility location game. Information Processing Letters, 168:106098, June 2021. [ DOI ]
[20] Chun Cheng, Yossiri Adulyasak, and Louis-Martin Rousseau. Robust facility location under demand uncertainty and facility disruptions. Omega, 103:102429, September 2021. [ DOI ]
[21] Tue Rauff Lind Christensen and Andreas Klose. A fast exact method for the capacitated facility location problem with differentiable convex production costs. European Journal of Operational Research, 292(3):855--868, August 2021. [ DOI ]
[22] Suna Cinar. Sustainable reverse logistic network design for end-of-life use-case study. RAIRO - Operations Research, 55:S503--S521, 2021. [ DOI ]
[23] Taner Cokyasar, Wenquan Dong, Mingzhou Jin, and İsmail Ömer Verbas. Designing a drone delivery network with automated battery swapping machines. Computers & Operations Research, 129:105177, May 2021. [ DOI ]
[24] Eduardo Conde and Marina Leal. A robust optimization model for distribution network design under a mixed integer set of scenarios. Computers & Operations Research, 136:105493, December 2021. [ DOI ]
[25] Claudio Contardo and Alain Hertz. An exact algorithm for a class of geometric set-cover problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 300:25--35, September 2021. [ DOI ]
[26] Padraig Corcoran and Andrei Gagarin. Heuristics for k-domination models of facility location problems in street networks. Computers & Operations Research, 133:105368, September 2021. [ DOI ]
[27] Tobias Crönert and Stefan Minner. Location selection for hydrogen fuel stations under emerging provider competition. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 133:103426, December 2021. [ DOI ]
[28] Dimitrije D. Čvokić, Yury A. Kochetov, Aleksandr V. Plyasunov, and Aleksandar Savić. A variable neighborhood search algorithm for the (r|p) hub–centroid problem under the price war. Journal of Global Optimization, 83(3):405--444, May 2021. [ DOI ]
[29] Agus Darmawan, Hartanto Wong, and Anders Thorstenson. Supply chain network design with coordinated inventory control. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 145:102168, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[30] Sandip Das, Ayan Nandy, and Swami Sarvottamananda. Radius, diameter, incenter, circumcenter, width and minimum enclosing cylinder for some polyhedral distance functions. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 305:311--328, December 2021. [ DOI ]
[31] Alicia De-Los-Santos, David Canca, and Eva Barrena. Mathematical formulations for the bimodal bus-pedestrian social welfare network design problem. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 145:302--323, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[32] Sotirios N. Denekos, Nikitas-Spiros Koutsoukis, Efstathios T. Fakiolas, Ioannis Konstantopoulos, and Nikolaos P. Rachaniotis. Siting refugee camps in mainland Greece using geographic information systems-based multi-criteria decision-making. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 11(3):457--480, February 2021. [ DOI ]
[33] Massimo Di Francesco, Manlio Gaudioso, Enrico Gorgone, and Ishwar Murthy. A new extended formulation with valid inequalities for the capacitated concentrator location problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 289(3):975--986, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[34] Yi Ding, Yi Jiang, Liangping Wu, and Zhanbo Zhou. Two-echelon supply chain network design with trade credit. Computers & Operations Research, 131:105270, July 2021. [ DOI ]
[35] Zehranaz Dönmez, Bahar Y. Kara, Özlem Karsu, and Francisco Saldanha-da Gama. Humanitarian facility location under uncertainty: Critical review and future prospects. Omega, 102:102393, July 2021. [ DOI ]
[36] Martijn van Ee. Approximability of the dispersed p-neighbor k-supplier problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 289:219--229, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[37] Yalda Esmizadeh, Mahdi Bashiri, Hamed Jahani, and Bernardo Almada-Lobo. Cold chain management in hierarchical operational hub networks. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 147:102202, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[38] I. Espejo, J. Puerto, and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. A comparative study of different formulations for the capacitated discrete ordered median problem. Computers & Operations Research, 125:105067, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[39] Edoardo Fadda, Daniele Manerba, Gianpiero Cabodi, Paolo Enrico Camurati, and Roberto Tadei. Comparative analysis of models and performance indicators for optimal service facility location. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 145:102174, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[40] Qi Fan, Zeyu Gong, Bo Tao, Yi Gao, Zhouping Yin, and Han Ding. Base position optimization of mobile manipulators for machining large complex components. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 70:102138, August 2021. [ DOI ]
[41] Mahdi Fathi, Marzieh Khakifirooz, Ali Diabat, and Huangen Chen. An integrated queuing-stochastic optimization hybrid genetic algorithm for a location-inventory supply chain network. International Journal of Production Economics, 237:108139, July 2021. [ DOI ]
[42] Pascual Fernández, Blas Pelegrín, Algirdas Lančinskas, and Julius Žilinskas. Exact and heuristic solutions of a discrete competitive location model with Pareto-Huff customer choice rule. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 385:113200, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[43] Andres Fielbaum, Xiaoshan Bai, and Javier Alonso-Mora. On-demand ridesharing with optimized pick-up and drop-off walking locations. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 126:103061, May 2021. [ DOI ]
[44] C. Filippi, G. Guastaroba, D.L. Huerta-Muñoz, and M.G. Speranza. A kernel search heuristic for a fair facility location problem. Computers & Operations Research, 132:105292, August 2021. [ DOI ]
[45] C. Filippi, G. Guastaroba, and M.G. Speranza. On single-source capacitated facility location with cost and fairness objectives. European Journal of Operational Research, 289(3):959--974, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[46] Martina Fischetti. On the optimized design of next-generation wind farms. European Journal of Operational Research, 291(3):862--870, June 2021. [ DOI ]
[47] Nicolas Fröhlich and Stefan Ruzika. Interdicting facilities in tree networks. TOP, 30(1):95--118, May 2021. [ DOI ]
[48] Laura Galli and Adam N. Letchford. A separation algorithm for the simple plant location problem. Operations Research Letters, 49(4):610--615, July 2021. [ DOI ]
[49] Aniela Garay-Sianca and Sarah G. Nurre Pinkley. Interdependent integrated network design and scheduling problems with movement of machines. European Journal of Operational Research, 289(1):297--327, February 2021. [ DOI ]
[50] Michele Garraffa, Deepak Mehta, Barry O’Sullivan, Cemalettin Ozturk, and Luis Quesada. An adaptive large neighbourhood search algorithm for diameter bounded network design problems. Journal of Heuristics, 27(5):887--922, June 2021. [ DOI ]
[51] Nader Ghaffarinasab. Exact algorithms for the robust uncapacitated multiple allocation p-hub median problem. Optimization Letters, 16(6):1745--1772, September 2021. [ DOI ]
[52] Peiman Ghasemi and Kaveh Khalili-Damghani. A robust simulation-optimization approach for pre-disaster multi-period location–allocation–inventory planning. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 179:69--95, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[53] Mehraneh Gholami and Jafar Fathali. Mathematical models for the variable weights version of the inverse minimax circle location problem. Journal of Mathematical Modeling, 9:137--144, 2021. [ DOI ]
[54] Abbass Gorgi, Mourad El Ouali, Anand Srivastav, and Mohamed Hachimi. Approximation algorithm for the multicovering problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 41(2):433--450, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[55] Kannan Govindan and Hadi Gholizadeh. Robust network design for sustainable-resilient reverse logistics network using big data: A case study of end-of-life vehicles. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 149:102279, May 2021. [ DOI ]
[56] Nils Grashof and Dirk Fornahl. “to be or not to be” located in a cluster?—a descriptive meta-analysis of the firm-specific cluster effect. The Annals of Regional Science, 67(3):541--591, May 2021. [ DOI ]
[57] Evren Güney, Markus Leitner, Mario Ruthmair, and Markus Sinnl. Large-scale influence maximization via maximal covering location. European Journal of Operational Research, 289(1):144--164, February 2021. [ DOI ]
[58] Chunxiang Guo, Yinjie Zhang, Ruili Shi, and Dongzhi Wang. The evaluation of voting rules based on voting networks: Weber problem with support domain. Journal of Control and Decision, 8(4):444--452, February 2021. [ DOI ]
[59] Jialin Han, Jiaxiang Zhang, Bing Zeng, and Mingsong Mao. Optimizing dynamic facility location-allocation for agricultural machinery maintenance using Benders decomposition. Omega, 105:102498, December 2021. [ DOI ]
[60] Lu Han, Dachuan Xu, Dandan Liu, and Chenchen Wu. An approximation algorithm for the k-level facility location problem with outliers. Optimization Letters, 15(6):2053--2065, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[61] Tim A. Hartmann, Stefan Lendl, and Gerhard J. Woeginger. Continuous facility location on graphs. Mathematical Programming, 192(1–2):207--227, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[62] Mehran Hasanzadeh, Behrooz Alizadeh, and Fahimeh Baroughi. The cardinality constrained inverse center location problems on tree networks with edge length augmentation. Theoretical Computer Science, 865:12--33, April 2021. [ DOI ]
[63] Erik Hellsten, David Franz Koza, Ivan Contreras, Jean-François Cordeau, and David Pisinger. The transit time constrained fixed charge multi-commodity network design problem. Computers & Operations Research, 136:105511, December 2021. [ DOI ]
[64] Alessandro Hill, Roberto Baldacci, and Stefan Voß. Optimal Steiner trees under node and edge privacy conflicts. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 43(5):1509--1533, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[65] Meysam Hosseini, Arsalan Rahmani, and F. Hooshmand. A robust model for recharging station location problem. Operational Research, 22(4):4397--4440, November 2021. [ DOI ]
[66] Qing-Mi Hu, Shaolong Hu, Jian Wang, and Xiaoping Li. Stochastic single allocation hub location problems with balanced utilization of hub capacities. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 153:204--227, November 2021. [ DOI ]
[67] Xiaoxuan Hu, Waiming Zhu, Huawei Ma, Bo An, Yanling Zhi, and Yi Wu. Orientational variable-length strip covering problem: A branch-and-price-based algorithm. European Journal of Operational Research, 289(1):254--269, February 2021. [ DOI ]
[68] Xinrui Jia, Kshiteej Sheth, and Ola Svensson. Fair colorful k-center clustering. Mathematical Programming, 192(1–2):339--360, July 2021. [ DOI ]
[69] Zhoutong Jiang and Yanfeng Ouyang. Reliable location of first responder stations for cooperative response to disasters. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 149:20--32, July 2021. [ DOI ]
[70] Jian Gang Jin, Yifan Shen, Hao Hu, Yiqun Fan, and Mingjian Yu. Optimizing underground shelter location and mass pedestrian evacuation in urban community areas: A case study of Shanghai. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 149:124--138, July 2021. [ DOI ]
[71] Pawel Kalczynski, Jack Brimberg, and Zvi Drezner. Less is more: simple algorithms for the minimum sum of squares clustering problem. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 33(3):531--548, August 2021. [ DOI ]
[72] Pawel Kalczynski and Zvi Drezner. Extremely non-convex optimization problems: the case of the multiple obnoxious facilities location. Optimization Letters, 16(4):1153--1166, April 2021. [ DOI ]
[73] Pawel Kalczynski, Jack Brimberg, and Zvi Drezner. Less is more: discrete starting solutions in the planar p-median problem. TOP, 30(1):34--59, April 2021. [ DOI ]
[74] Pawel Kalczynski and Zvi Drezner. The obnoxious facilities planar p-median problem. OR Spectrum, 43(2):577--593, March 2021. [ DOI ]
[75] Mumtaz Karatas and Levent Eriskin. The minimal covering location and sizing problem in the presence of gradual cooperative coverage. European Journal of Operational Research, 295(3):838--856, December 2021. [ DOI ]
[76] Mumtaz Karatas. A dynamic multi-objective location-allocation model for search and rescue assets. European Journal of Operational Research, 288(2):620--633, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[77] Özlem Karsu, Bahar Y. Kara, Elif Akkaya, and Aysu Ozel. Clean water network design for refugee camps. Networks and Spatial Economics, 21(1):175--198, January 2021. [ DOI ]
[78] Betül Kayışoğlu and İbrahim Akgün. Multiple allocation tree of hubs location problem for non-complete networks. Computers & Operations Research, 136:105478, December 2021. [ DOI ]
[79] Lev Kazakovtsev, Ivan Rozhnov, Ilnar Nasyrov, and Viktor Orlov. Self-adjusting genetic algorithm with greedy agglomerative crossover for continuous p-median problems. In A. Strekalovsky, Y. Kochetov, T. Gruzdeva, and A. Orlov, editors, Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research: Recent Trends, pages 184--200. Springer International Publishing, 2021. [ DOI ]
[80] L A Kazakovtsev and I P Rozhnov. Comparative study of local search in SWAP and agglomerative neighbourhoods for the continuous p-median problem. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1047(1):012079, February 2021. [ DOI ]
[81] Mouna Kchaou-Boujelben. Charging station location problem: A comprehensive review on models and solution approaches. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 132:103376, November 2021. [ DOI ]