Dear Locators,


You are cordially invited to submit an abstract to the session “Facility Location and Logistics” to be held at the OR 2013 Conference - the International Conference on Operations Research, Rotterdam (the Netherlands), 3-6 Sept. 2013. This special session is part of the stream “Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Inventory”.


Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

·         Integration of location decisions into facility location models (e.g. procurement, production, transportation, inventory, etc).

·         Solution approaches for (re)designing a logistics network.


The deadline for abstract submission is April 30, 2013 (max. 1800 characters).


Please feel free to send me your abstract as I’m organizing this special session. I will post it in the conference system and will send you a confirmation.

Alternatively, you may access the conference website directly at and select the session code “f76d2313”.


Looking forward to receiving interesting contributions!


Kind regards,

Teresa Melo



Prof. Dr. Teresa Melo

Business School

Saarland University of Applied Sciences (HTW)

Waldhausweg 14

D 66123 Saarbruecken



Phone: +49 681 5867 588

Fax:       +49 681 5867 507

