Dear Locators,
this is the second call of the year (first call was in February) for the initiative to support and encourage local or topic-specific location meetings. If you wish to organize a scientific meeting or workshop around a specific topic such as competitive location, emergency facility location, stochastic location etc. or a meeting covering a broader range of location topics in your institution, you will be able to request support from EWGLA up to a maximum of €1,000. The meeting should be open to the entire location community, and it must be announced via the EWGLA mailing list and the web site of the organized meeting (upon approval of the support). The procedure for applications and decisions for support is planned as follows:
Applicants need to submit a brief letter of intention (about one page) to organize a meeting within the next 12 months. The applications will be evaluated within two weeks after the deadline and the amount of support will be communicated to the applicants. The letter of intention should provide the following details:
1. A brief description of the meeting, including sufficient information about the format (workshop, conference etc.), the organizers, and the target audience.
2. The topic and how it relates to Location Science.
3. A brief motivation on how this meeting will contribute to the advancement of Location Science or how the (local or international) location community will benefit from it.
4. A concrete explanation and reasoning for the kind of support that is asked for from EWGLA (travel expenses for invited external speakers, supporting student participation, etc.).
5. The budget requested from EWGLA and a plan of the estimated budget for the entire meeting. Note that all expenses will have to be justified with receipts and proofs of payment.
6. Mention of other potential supports from local/international societies, organizations (government, NGO), universities or industry.
The deadline for the second call of this year is 15 January 2024.
Depending on the number of applications received by the deadline, it will be possible to provide partial or full support (up to a maximum of €1,000) after evaluation.
All the best,
Hatice Çalık, Carmela Piccolo, Diego Ponce
EWGLA Coordination Board
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