Dear members,
as you might recall, in the last meeting we agreed to change the rules about the duration of service on the EWGLA coordination board.
This year, Olivier Péton will leave the board and we are looking for one volunteer to replace him. Due to the rules, the new board member cannot work in Hungary or the UK.
We plan to announce the list of candidates on Friday, 31 May.
If you are interested please send us a one page document where you state and promote your candidacy until Thursday, 30 May. If you have any questions about that please feel free to contact us.
If there are several candidates, registered EWGLA members will be asked to vote before Friday, 7 June and the result will be announced during the EWGLA session in Brussels.
Best wishes and hoping to see you all in Brussels,
Bogi, Jörg & Olivier
Joerg Kalcsics
Lecturer in Operational Research
Programme Director OR MSc
School of Mathematics
University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
Peter Guthrie Tait Road
Edinburgh, EH9 3FD, UK
Room: 6226
Phone: +44 (0)131 650 5953
Email: joerg.kalcsics(a)<>
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Dear sir/madam,
May we kindly ask you to submit the following CfP again to your mailing
Thank you very much in advance and best regards,
Julia Bachale
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik/ Institute of Information Systems
room no. 3065
Von-Melle-Park 5
D-20146 Hamburg
phone:+4940 42838 3064
fax: +4940 428385535
mail: iwi(a)
opening hours: mo-fr 09:00-12:00 h, 14:00-15:00 h
******apologies for cross-postings*****
Call for Papers
Submission deadline: June 15, 2019
Authors are kindly invited to submit their contributions in the area of
logistics management, operations, control, and information systems,
relevant to all types of logistics activities and on any mode of
transportation, with a particular focus on practical cases providing
insight and real-world experience.
Submissions are invited in one of the two following forms:
(a) Full papers for publication in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS)
(b) Abstracts for presentation only
All papers should be submitted electronically following the instructions
on this page and by following this link.
Full paper submissions
Full papers should have a length of at most 15 pages following the LNCS
style files. For a paper to be included in this volume, it should be
presented at the conference by one of the authors. The style files for
LNCS submissions can be found here.
<…> This
site contains all relevant style files for CS Proceedings and
Multiauthor Volumes as well as the Springer copyright form. If you have
any questions concerning the style files, please consult the
corresponding technical instructions on the website. Additionally, we
kindly ask you to have a look at the "Checklist of items to be sent to
the volume editor". The authors are required to use the submission form
available here <> to:
* Upload the pdf file of the 15-page regular paper in LNCS style
<> on the easychair
* Paste in the Abstract textbox a 1-page abstract (maximum 3000
characters, including spaces) to be included in the abstracts
booklet which will be distributed during the conference. At most 4
references can be included. Mathematical formulas can be included in
LaTeX notation.
Abstracts, presentation only
Submitted abstracts should not exceed one page (maximum 3000 characters,
including spaces). At most 4 references can be included. Mathematical
formulas can be included in LaTeX notation. Accepted Abstracts should be
presented at the conference by one of the authors. To submit an
abstract, please go here
<> and paste the text in
the abstract textbox of the submission form. Do not upload a pdf file of
the abstract. Accepted abstracts will appear in the abstracts booklet
which will be distributed during the conference.
A special issue of the International Journal of Logistics Systems and
Management by Inderscience will be edited in Smart Port Logistics, from
selected invited papers from the conference and from an open CFP.
Please note that a participant can present only one contribution (full
paper or abstract).
Topics to be covered include (but are not limited to):
* Facility (re-)layout decision problems
* Routing problems
* Emergency logistics
* Reverse logistics
* Crowd logistics
* Freight transportation
* Green supply chain
* Metropolitan/city logistics
* Smart Agro-Logistics
* Uncertainty modelling in planning and control
* Large-scale evolutionary optimization to logistics
* Multi-agent system in logistics
* Machine learning applications in supply chain
* Internet of things on smart logistics
* Applications of Blockchain
* Last generation ICT networks
* Port smart logistics
* ICT for port governance
* Computational issues in foreign trade supply chains
* ICT systems for port communities
C-14562_SM_DCR_VOW_ ICCL-2019-Español-01.png
ICCL 2019 [EN].png
Dear Locators,
INFORMS just published an interview of Zvi Drezner by Stefan Nickel dated November 2018. Zvi talks about his early life, beginnings of location science, paper productivity, academic career, his most interesting papers, obnoxious facilities, and the publication of the book edited by H.A. Eiselt and Vladimir Marianov for his 75th birthday celebrations.
You can watch the interview from:…
Best regards,
Sibel Alumur Alev, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Sciences
Faculty of Engineering | University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West | Waterloo | Ontario | N2L 3G1 | Canada
Office: CPH 4321 | Tel: 1-519-888-4567, ext. 33365
Email: sibel.alumur(a)<>
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to remind you that the abstract submission deadline for the upcoming INFORMS 2019 Annual Meeting to be held in Seattle on October 20-23 is May 15th. I'm responsible for organizing the SOLA cluster. Currently, we have 13 SOLA sponsored sessions 3 of which are jointly sponsored with other clusters (TSL & ENRE).
I have already received a couple of emails recently and I have a backup session in place for those of you who plan to come and want to present in a SOLA sponsored session. I would like to remind you that (non-sponsored) contributed talks may be scheduled in sessions that contain 6 talks. So, I strongly suggest presenting in a sponsored session. Please let me know if you would like to present in a SOLA sponsored session as soon as possible so that I can plan accordingly.
Best regards,
Sibel Alumur Alev, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Sciences
Faculty of Engineering | University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West | Waterloo | Ontario | N2L 3G1 | Canada
Office: CPH 4321 | Tel: 1-519-888-4567, ext. 33365
Email: sibel.alumur(a)<>
Location colleagues:
And greetings from my new home in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M!
I am writing to the location communities of SOLA and EWGLA listservs for advice. A location paper of mine has been plagiarized and I’m perplexed about what to do about it.
Here is a passage from my paper in Annals of Operations Research in 2003. Please take special note of the incorrect spellings of both “Evangelista” and “Cavalieri”:
“Location science is an area of analytical study that can arguably (although there does exist some contention) be traced back to Pierre de Fermat, Evagelistica Torricelli (a student of Galileo), and Battista Cavallieri. They, independently, proposed (and some say solved) the basic Euclidean spatial median problem (otherwise known as the Weber problem; a name which only adds to the confusion) early in the seventeenth century.”
Compare that to the passage below from the Introduction (written, so to speak, by the editors, Reza Farahani and Masoud Hekmatafar) of an edited Physica-Verlag Heidelberg book entitled Facility Location: Concepts, Models, Algorithms and Case Studies in 2009:
“Location science is an area of analytical study that can be traced back to Pierre de Fermat, Evagelistica Torricelli (a student of Galileo), and Battista Cavallieri. Each one independently proposed (and some say solved) the basic Euclidean spatial median problem early in the seventeenth century.”
And there are other sentences, passages, and paragraphs that were stolen from my ANOR paper in the book. This passage was just the most blatant with the same exact two spelling errors.
Indeed, I have run this (and the other passages) by a professor who has expertise on plagiarism and he not only emphatically agreed with me that it is plagiarism…he wanted to use the text above as a prime example in an upcoming paper of his on the topic of what is plagiarism.
Thoughts? Anyone have experience with this?
Trevor Hale `97
Information & Operations Management Department
Mays Business School | Texas A&M University
301F Wehner | 4217 TAMU | College Station, TX 77843-4217<x-apple-data-detectors://19/0>
thale(a)<> | Wikipedia<…> | Scholar<…> | Pearson<…>