*IFORS 2017 - Call for invited sessions - OR in Healthcare
Dear Colleague,
As you may know, IFORS 2017, the 21th Conference of the International
Federation of Operational Research Societies, will be held in Quebec,
Canada, from July 17 to 21, 2017 (http://ifors2017.ca/).
As organisers of the stream "OR in healthcare" we would like to
cordially invite you to organise a session on associated topics.
Manifestations of interest should be sent to ana.viana(a)inesctec.pt and
joana(a)fe.uc.pt, with an indication of the topic to be addressed in that
session and name(s) of the organiser(s). After acceptance of the topic,
session organisers will be contacted with additional information
regarding the abstract submission process.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Ana Viana
Joana Matos Dias
Dear EWGLA Members,
as announced during the last EWGLA Meeting, we are pleased to inform you
about the first official release of our software library
“*LoLoLA*” – *L*ibrary *o*f *Lo*cation and *L*ayout *A*lgorithms.
The library and all related information can be downloaded from
The software is released under the /GNU General Public License /and,
therefore, the source code is available for downloading and modifying.
Instructions on how to install the library and which algorithms are
available can be found in the documentation. Moreover, an executable for
the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Windows is provided.
If you have any questions or have a feedback/bug report, feel free to
write an email to
Note, that this is a Beta-release. We are thankful for every comment and
suggestion for improvement. If you want to be informed about updates of
LoLoLA do not forget to check
"Receive notifications for new releases" on the download page.
Best regards,
Horst W. Hamacher, Philipp Heßler, Andrea Maier
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Aleksandra Gross (now Cambridge, Great-Britain)
Prof. Dr. Horst W. Hamacher
Chair of Management and Educational Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
University of Kaiserslautern
67653 Kaiserslautern
Tel: (Germany) (0)631 205 2267
*EWGLA Newsletter // March 2017**
Dear EWGLA members,
We are pleased to confirm you the date in which the EWGLA conference in
*Edinburgh *will be organized.
This will be from*May 23 to May 25, 2018. *
Best regards,
Jörg and Sergio. **
*ISOLDE XIV, Toronto, Canada, July 10-14, 2017*
April 15, 2017: Early Registration ends, Regular Registration
begins; Confirmation of acceptance/attendance by applicants due
*IFORS 2017 Quebec City, Canada, July 1721, 2017
There will be a Area called "Location, Logistics, Transportation,
Traffic ", with at least two lacoation sessions (Recent Advances in
Location Analysis, and Location (contributed))
*Optimization 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, September 6-8, 2017*
http://optimization2017.fc.ul.pt/ <http://ifors2017.ca/areas>
The main purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers and
practitioners from different areas and backgrounds, but with common
interests in optimization.
This meeting has international recognition as an important forum of
discussion and exchange of ideas. It is the 9th edition of a series of
international conferences in optimization organized in Portugal under
the auspices of APDIO (the Portuguese Operations Research Society).
I would like to see (at least) one Location session in the program of
the conference. So, in case you consider attending this meeting, please,
contact me directly (fsgama(a)fc.ul.pt <mailto:fsgama@fc.ul.pt>) so that I
organize the session. My idea would be to attract to this conference
some locators from abroad.
I look forward to hearing from you and possibly to meeting you in
September in Lisbon.
All the best,
Francisco Saldanha Da Gama
*VIII International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related
Problems*. Segovia, Spain. September 27-29, 2017
Deadline for abstracts (2 pages maximum): May 31, 2017
The inscription is 100€ per participant.
Contact: antonio.rodriguezchia(a)uca.es
*IESM 2017, Saarbrücken, Germany, October 11-13, 2017*
Due to several requests, the deadline for authors to submit papers has
been extended until *April 17, 2017*.
*CIE 47, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-13 October, 2017*
Sumission deadline : April 20, 2017
*INFORMS 2017 Annual meeting, Houston, US, October 22-25, 2017*
I will serve as the SOLA Cluster chair for the INFORMS 2017 Annual
Meeting in Houston.
If you are planning to organize a SOLA sponsored session, please let me
know with your tentative session title by April 13, then I can set up
your session in the system.
In addition, if your are planning to organize a practice-oriented
session or a joint session between two INFORMS communities, please let
me know. FYI, the deadline for abstract submission is May 2nd.
I am waiting for your reply!
Best regards,
Mihiro Sasaki
Contact : mihiro(a)nanzan-u.ac.jp
*Other events (with Location related sessions)**
****VeRoLog 2017*,
July 9-12, Amsterdam, The netherlands
http://verolog2017.sciencesconf.org/ <http://verolog2016.sciencesconf.org/>
Registrations opens on April 3rd.
*TSL conference 2017**
*Loyola University, Chicao, July 26-29, 2017
**Abstract submission deadline (extended): 1/5/2017
*TSL Workshop on E-commerce and Urban Logistics. *
Hong Kong, January 8-10, 2018.
Abstract submission deadline: July 7^th , 2017
*Computers & Operations Research.
Special Issue**on **Recent Advances in Hub Location*
*Guest Editors*: Sibel A. Alumur, James F. Campbell
The deadline for submission to the special issue is *October 1, 2017*.
*Open Position
Assistant/Associate Professor in Optimization and Industrial Engineering
at IMT Atlantique (Nantes, France)**
Teaching experience required in some of the following subjects is
required: Industrial engineering, Combinatorial optimization, Robust
optimization and decision making.
Research in the fields of the Logistics and Production Systems team:
design, planning and scheduling of production systems, optimization of
transportation and logistics networks, risk assessment and control in
services and industrial systems.
Research experience in production scheduling, in particular in a
stochastic, robust or dynamic context, will be appreciated.
*Citizenship**of a European Community country required.*
For further information, contact Alexandre Dolgui, Head of DAPI –
alexandre.dolgui(a)imt-atlantique.fr – tél : +33 2 51 85 82 18
The deadline for submitting an application is 23 April 2017.
Website of Institut Mines Telecom Atlantique: http://www.imt-atlantique.fr
*About EWGLA: *
Our group has 255 members (/March 30, 2017/).
This number appears to be quite stable. In reality, around 35 new
members have registered in the last year, and an equivalent number of
old email addresses were removed from the database.
The "official" way of becoming a member is to register to the mailing list.
We also have pages/accounts on several social networks.
- Web page:https://www.euro-online.org/ewgla/
- Mailing list:
How to register:
How to post a message: ewgla(a)euro-online.org
How to contact the coordination board: ewgla-board(a)euro-online.org
- LinkedIn (52 members): https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4729361
- Twitter (56 followers): https://twitter.com/ewgla
- Facebook (107 like): https://www.facebook.com/ewgla/
Please invite your colleagues and students interested in locational
analysis to register, click, like, follow us and communicate with us.
Mars 2017
/Sergio García-Quiles
Jörg Kalcsics//
Olivier Péton/
IMT Atlantique <http://www.imt-atlantique.fr>
*Olivier PÉTON*
Enseignant Chercheur
+33 251 85 83 13
4 rue Alfred Kastler
44307 Nantes Cedex 3
Site web IMT Atlantique <http://www.imt-atlantique.fr>Twitter IMT
Atlantique <https://twitter.com/IMTAtlantique>Facebook IMT Atlantique
<https://www.facebook.com/IMTAtlantique>Google+ IMT Atlantique
<https://plus.google.com/109356934816329928502>LinkedIn IMT Atlantique
<https://www.linkedin.com/company/imt-france>Blog IMT Atlantique
Une école de l'IMT <https://www.imt.fr>
Dear EWGLA Members
FYI :)
Call for Papers:
Contribu2ons to Humanitarian Logis.cs
Special Issue of IISE Transactions Focus Issue on Scheduling and Logistics
Disasters around world claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and led to US$1.5 trillion lost between 2005 and 2015, according to The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. On the other hand, as much as 80 percent of disaster relief expenditures go toward logistics. Therefore, humanitarian logistics is a key element of a disaster relief process. The purpose of this special issue is to publish rigorous research around emerging themes in the area of Humanitarian logistics, such as the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost-effective flow and storage of goods, and materials, as well as related information, from point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of alleviating the suffering of vulnerable people.
We would welcome contribuAons across a wide range of issues. Topics for this SI may include but are not limited to:
● Humanitarian logistics and supply chain management
● The use of technology enable real-time monitoring
● Humanitarian operations evaluation
● Coordination within organizations and collaboration among organizations
● Predictive analytics for demand planning
● Inventory planning and control
● Transportation networks design and vehicle routing
● Medical supply delivery
Important dates
• Manuscript submission deadline: September 1, 2017
• NoAficaAon of disposiAon of the manuscript: December 31, 2017 • Final revisions due: March 1, 2018
Submission Process
Authors should submit their paper through Scholar One's Manuscript Central online manuscript submission system at hWp://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iietransacAons <hwp://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iietransacAons>. Please follow the instructions carefully. When queried, indicate the paper is being submitted to a Special Issue, identify the special issue as Contributions to Humanitarian Logistics and select Rajan Batta as the preferred Editor.
Special Issue Editors
Rajan Batta, University at Buffalo, USA (baWa(a)buffalo.edu <mailto:baWa@buffalo.edu>)
Bahar Yetis Kara Bilkent University, Turkey (bkara(a)bilkent.edu.tr <mailto:bkara@bilkent.edu.tr>)
Simin Huang, Tsinghua University, China (huangsimin(a)tsinghua.edu.cn <mailto:huangsimin@tsinghua.edu.cn>)
Dear EWGLA members
I will serve as the SOLA Cluster chair for the INFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting
in Houston (http://meetings2.informs.org/wordpress/houston2017/).
If you are planning to organize a SOLA sponsored session, please let me know
with your tentative session title by April 13, then I can set up your session
in the system. In addition, if your are planning to organize a practice-oriented
session or a joint session between two INFORMS communities, please let me know.
FYI, the deadline for abstract submission is May 2nd.
I am waiting for your reply!
Best regards,
Mihiro Sasaki
Mihiro Sasaki
Dept. of Systems and Mathematical Science
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Nanzan University
18 Yamazato, Showa, Nagoya, Aichi 466-8673, Japan
E-mail: mihiro(a)nanzan-u.ac.jp
Dear colleagues,
We have a permanent position open in Optimization and Industrial Engineering.
Don't hesitate to contact Alexandre Dolgui (alexandre.dolgui(a)imt-atlantique.fr – tél : +33 2 51 85 82 18)
or myself for further information.
Position of Assistant/Associate Professor (fr. Maître Assistant) in
Optimization and Industrial Engineering at IMT Atlantique (Nantes, France)
IMT Atlantique (École Nationale Supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique
Bretagne Pays de la Loire) is an elite graduate school of engineering
and international research center under the authority of the French
Ministry of Industry and Digital Communication. Resulting from the
recent merger on 1 January 2017 of Télécom-Bretagne and Mines-Nantes,
it is a school of the Institut Mines-Télécom (the leading group in
France for study and research in engineering and management: includes
12 engineering institutes and 1 business school located throughout
Based on 3 different campuses (Brest, Rennes and Nantes), IMT
Atlantique aims to combine energy and digital technology to transform
society and industry through education, research and innovation in
order to become an international reference in this area.
Each year, IMT Atlantique guides approximately 2.300 students in
engineering, Masters of Science and Ph.D. programs. Its research
activities, at the crossroads of business and higher education, are
led by 290 researchers which produce over 1000 publications each year
and 18M € of funded research and development. Its courses are based on
cutting-edge research performed in 6 joint research laboratories:
The Department of Automation, Production and Computer Sciences (DAPI:
Département Automatique, Productique et Informatique) of IMT
Atlantique is located on the Nantes Campus. The department employs
around one hundred people, forty of which are full professors or
assistant/associate professors (fr. Maître Assistant). The research
topics of DAPI include Control, Robotics, Operations Research,
Industrial Engineering, Mathematical Decision Making, and Software
Engineering. DAPI is a member of the LS2N CNRS research laboratory
(http://ls2n.fr/) recently created from the merging of the IRCCyN and
LINA laboratories.
The candidate will be integrated into the Optimization and Decision
Aiding group of DAPI and the Logistics and Production System (SLP)
Team of LS2N. The research in SLP focuses on analyzing, modeling and
solving optimization and decision making problems which appear in
logistics and production systems at strategic, tactical and
operational levels. The candidate will be asked to focus his research
on domains related to the Factories of the Future (FoF) initiative of
the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
Collaboration with the other IMT Atlantique/LS2N team, TASC, in
constraint programming, will be encouraged.
The candidate will teach in the industrial engineering and
optimization curriculum of IMT Atlantique, in particular the IMT
Atlantique engineering programme and/or the MOST international Master
of Science. (Management and Optimization of Supply Chains and Transport).
The candidate will participate in education, academic and
collaborative research objectives. He/she will be actively involved in
local, national and international partnerships of DAPI and LS2N.
He/she will be asked to take administrative responsibilities in
teaching programs, research projects or institutional endeavors.
• The candidate will be involved in the IMT Atlantique educational
programs, particularly those of the DAPI the engineering curriculum
and the MOST MSc. Teaching experience in some of the following
subjects is required:
o Industrial engineering
o Design of production systems
o Production planning and scheduling
o Inventory control and demand forecasting
o Combinatorial optimization, robust optimization and decision making
o Metaheuristics, heuristic and exact optimization algorithms
o Programming languages (e.g., Java, Python, C++)
• IMT Atlantique is particularly interested in qualitative and
innovative teaching methods. A strong investment in pedagogical
activities related to his/her courses is expected.
• IMTA trains engineers for a quickly evolving industry. The capacity
of the candidate to teach in this context and propose and supervise
student projects in collaboration with industry is desired.
Research and collaborative projects
The candidate will perform his/her research in the fields of the
Logistics and Production Systems team: design, planning and scheduling
of production systems, optimization of transportation and logistics
networks, risk assessment and control in services and industrial
He/she will develop optimization and decision-aiding tools in the
framework of projects related to Factories of the Future (FoF). This
work will be related to the optimization of production systems,
logistics networks or supply chain, in connection with innovative
communication technology. Research experience in production
scheduling, in particular in a stochastic, robust or dynamic context,
will be appreciated.
The recruited candidate will be expected to publish his/her work in
high-level international journals and conferences. He/she will also be
expected to supervise master and PhD students’ research. His/her
research will be conducted through local, national, European, and
international projects.
Finally, the candidate will be expected to propose collaborative
research projects with industry and contribute to enhancing the
overall reputation of IMT Atlantique.
According to the Maître Assistant status,*the candidate must have the nationality of a European Community country,
member of EEC.*
He/she will have strong competences in optimization and industrial
engineering as well as:
• Skill and motivation for teaching and research, in particular in
connection with industry.
• Ability to propose, obtain, and participate in research and applied
research projects.
• Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work in projects.
• Open-minded, self-assessment capacity.
• Interest and openness to the world of business and innovation in education.
• Scientific publications.
• Excellent practice of English.
• Good computer programming skills.
For further information, contact Alexandre Dolgui, Head of DAPI –
alexandre.dolgui(a)imt-atlantique.fr – tél : +33 2 51 85 82 18
The deadline for submitting an application is 23 April 2017.
To obtain the complete application dossier, please contact Human
Resource Services:
Florence MOULET–florence.moulet(a)imt-atlantique.fr - tél : +33 2 51 85 83 63
Jean-Philippe ROULLAND –jean-philippe.roulland(a)imt-atlantique.fr –
tél: +33 2 51 85 83 54
Institut Mines Telecom Atlantique
4 rue Alfred Kastler
BP 20722
44307 Nantes CEDEX 3.
Website of Institut Mines Telecom Atlantique:http://www.imt-atlantique.fr
IMT Atlantique <http://www.imt-atlantique.fr>
*Olivier PÉTON*
Enseignant Chercheur
+33 251 85 83 13
4 rue Alfred Kastler
44307 Nantes Cedex 3
Site web IMT Atlantique <http://www.imt-atlantique.fr>Twitter IMT
Atlantique <https://twitter.com/IMTAtlantique>Facebook IMT Atlantique
<https://www.facebook.com/IMTAtlantique>Google+ IMT Atlantique
<https://plus.google.com/109356934816329928502>LinkedIn IMT Atlantique
<https://www.linkedin.com/company/imt-france>Blog IMT Atlantique
Une école de l'IMT <https://www.imt.fr>
Journal of Software: Practice and Experience (Wiley Press) / International Conference on Metaheuristics (MIC)
Special Issue on Metaheuristics in Cloud Computing
Guest Editors: Leonard Heilig, Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz, Stefan Voß, Rajkumar Buyya
** Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward this CfP to anyone who may be interested to contribute to this Special Issue. **
Dear colleagues,
We cordially invite you to contribute to this special issue of the Journal of Software: Practice and Experience. The peer-reviewed journal has a long and successful history (1971-now) of publishing and has expanded its coverage to specifically include cloud computing in recent years.
Please submit your manuscript electronically via ScholarOne (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/spe <https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/spe>) by selecting the manuscript type Special Issue - Metaheuristics in Cloud Computing until September 15, 2017.
Accepted peer-reviewed manuscripts will be indexed by Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, ProQuest, EBSCO, ACM Digital Library, Google Scholar, among others.
We invite high quality papers either on the use of metaheuristics for solving related optimization problems or the application and assessment of metaheuristics within cloud environments for solving well-known optimization problems. Topics of interests include but are not limited to:
Mathematical modeling and optimization of cloud-related problems (e.g., resource allocation, scheduling, redundancy allocation, (big) data management)
Application of metaheuristics in cloud computing and fog computing environments
Metaheuristics for energy management, (big) data management, security, and reliability
Metaheuristics for cloud brokerage
Application of metaheuristics to support decision making in different domains (e.g., logistics, smart cities, etc.)
Distributed and parallel metaheuristics
Design and development of cloud-based decision support systems
For more information, please visit http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-024X/homepage/spe… <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-024X/homepage/spe…> and select Special Issue on: Metaheuristics in Cloud Computing <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-024X/asset/homepage…>
Submission: September 15, 2017
Notification: November 15, 2017
Revision due: January 15, 2018
Notification of final acceptance: February 15, 2018
Notification of final revised paper: March 15, 2018
This special issue seeks submission of papers that present novel and innovative ideas. It also welcomes submissions of extended versions of the best selected papers presented in the related special track of the International Conference on Metaheuristics (MIC). All submissions including invited papers go under regular peer review process. We seek submission of papers that present new, original and innovative ideas for the "first" time in SPE. Submission of "extended versions" of already published works (e.g., conference papers) is not encouraged unless they contain a significant number of "new and original" ideas/contributions along with more than 50% brand "new" material. If you are submitting an extended version, you must submit a cover letter/document detailing (1) the "Summary of Differences" between the SPE paper and the earlier paper, (2) a clear list of "new and original" ideas/contributions in the SPE paper (identifying sections where they are proposed/presented), and (3) confirming the percentage of new material. Otherwise, the submission will be "desk" rejected without being reviewed. If you have a paper on cloud computing which does not match the requirements of the Special Issue, we encourage you to submit it as a regular paper to Software: Practice and Experience. The journal has expanded its coverage to specifically include cloud computing.
While submitting paper to this issue, please select Special Issue - Metaheuristics in Cloud Computing in the submission system (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/spe <https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/spe>).
Leonard Heilig (contact for submission queries)
Institute of Information Systems,
University of Hamburg, Germany
Email: leonard.heilig(a)uni-hamburg.de <mailto:leonard.heilig@uni-hamburg.de>
Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz
Institute of Information Systems,
University of Hamburg, Germany
Stefan Voß
Institute of Information Systems,
University of Hamburg, Germany
Rajkumar Buyya
Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory,
University of Melbourne, Australia