*IFORS 2017 - Call for invited sessions - OR in Healthcare
Dear Colleague,
As you may know, IFORS 2017, the 21th Conference of the International
Federation of Operational Research Societies, will be held in Quebec,
Canada, from July 17 to 21, 2017 (http://ifors2017.ca/).
As organisers of the stream "OR in healthcare" we would like to
cordially invite you to organise a session on associated topics.
Manifestations of interest should be sent to ana.viana(a)inesctec.pt and
joana(a)fe.uc.pt, with an indication of the topic to be addressed in that
session and name(s) of the organiser(s). After acceptance of the topic,
session organisers will be contacted with additional information
regarding the abstract submission process.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Ana Viana
Joana Matos Dias
Dear EWGLA Members,
as announced during the last EWGLA Meeting, we are pleased to inform you
about the first official release of our software library
“*LoLoLA*” – *L*ibrary *o*f *Lo*cation and *L*ayout *A*lgorithms.
The library and all related information can be downloaded from
The software is released under the /GNU General Public License /and,
therefore, the source code is available for downloading and modifying.
Instructions on how to install the library and which algorithms are
available can be found in the documentation. Moreover, an executable for
the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Windows is provided.
If you have any questions or have a feedback/bug report, feel free to
write an email to
Note, that this is a Beta-release. We are thankful for every comment and
suggestion for improvement. If you want to be informed about updates of
LoLoLA do not forget to check
"Receive notifications for new releases" on the download page.
Best regards,
Horst W. Hamacher, Philipp Heßler, Andrea Maier
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Aleksandra Gross (now Cambridge, Great-Britain)
Prof. Dr. Horst W. Hamacher
Chair of Management and Educational Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
University of Kaiserslautern
67653 Kaiserslautern
Tel: (Germany) (0)631 205 2267
"A monographic issue particularly actual and suggestive"
Dear colleague:
We have just published a new issue of the journal Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research (Issue Nº 36). It is now available both on line<http://www.journalofregionalresearch.org/> and print version.
The journal is ranked as Q2 by Scimago JRC (Scopus), in Economics, Econometrics and Finance, and indexed in other scientific and academic international databases (Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI), EBSCO, ProQuest, EconLit, RePec, DOAJ, Redalyc, Latindex, ...).
This special issue is particularly actual and attractive both because the topics analyzed and the well-known prestige of the authors. This is the contents:
Title: New Frontiers of Regional and Urban Analysis
· New frontiers of regional and urban analysis. Why this special issue?<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/00_Editorialboard1.pdf> -
The Editorial Board
· Some Challenges for Regional Science Research<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/01_Stimson.pdf> - Robert J. Stimson
· Envisioning Experiments on Regional Science Frontiers<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/02_KourtitRoyuelareduc.p…> - Karima Kourtit, Vicente Royuela, Tomaz Ponce-Dentinho, Peter Nijkamp
· The gravity model of migration: the successful comeback of an ageing superstar in regional science<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/03_Poot.pdf> - Jacques Poot, Omoniyi Alimi, Michael P. Cameron, David C. Maré
· Afterthoughts on urban economic theory and its focus<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/04_Camagni.pdf> - Roberto Camagni
· Service industries and regional analysis. New directions and challenges<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/05_CuadradoRoura.pdf> - Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura
· Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Development: Some reflections<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/06_Stough.pdf> - Roger R. Stough
· Dark and Light: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in New Technology Spaces<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/07_Cooke.pdf>- Philip Cooke
· Towards inclusive and resilient regional labour markets: challenges for research and policy<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/08_VanDijk.pdf> - Jouke van Dijk and Arjen Edzes
· The «resourceful region». A new conceptualisation of regional development strategies<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/09_Nijkamp.pdf> - Peter Nijkamp
· Super-Proximity and Spatial Development<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/10_Kourtitreduc.pdf> - Karima Kourtit
· Spatial concentration in Latin America and the role of institutions<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/11_ArocaAtienzareduc.pdf> - Patricio Aroca, Miguel Atienza
· How institutions moderate the effectiveness of regional policy: A framework and research agenda<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/12_Gl%C3%BCckler_Lenz.pdf> - Johannes Glückler and Regina Lenz
· Smart Specialisation: Insights from the EU Experience and Implications for Other Economies<http://www.aecr.org/images/ImatgesArticles/2016/12/13_McCann.pdf> - Philip McCann and Raquel Ortega-Argilés
The Journal has a multidisciplinary approach, welcoming submissions from fields such as Economics, Geography, Sociology, Land Planning and Political Science, whose scientific focus, originality and added value contribute to the dissemination of new ideas and methodological approaches, strengthening and improving the quality of the publication, via its email<mailto:investig.regionales@uah.es>.
To contact us and/or to submit manuscripts:
Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research
Email: investig.regionales(a)uah.es<mailto:investig.regionales@uah.es>
Yours sincerely,
Journal of Regional Research - Investigaciones Regionales
If you do not wish to receive e-mail updates from us click here<mailto:investig.regionales@uah.es?subject=UNSUBSCRIBE%20FROM%20THE%20LIST>
Dear All,
EWGLA and SOLA (Section on Location Analysis, INFORMS) are organizing the stream on Location at the IFORS conference to be held in Québec City in July 2017 (http://ifors2017.ca/). If you are interested in organizing a session, please, send us an email toewgla-board(a)euro-online.org as soon as possible.
Joerg, Olivier and Sergio.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.