Apologies for any cross-postings. I would greatly appreciate if you can
distribute this call within your contacts.
EURO Mini Conference on
Improving Healthcare: new challenges, new approaches
Coimbra, Portugal
30 March -- 1 April 2015
www.minieuro2015.com <http://www.minieuro2015.com/>
We would like to welcome you to Coimbra, a beautiful city in Portugal,
and its University recently recognized as World Heritage by UNESCO.
Scope and objectives_
Recent advances …
[View More]in medicine allow us to live longer and healthier lives.
These advances have been made possible through the joint contribution of
very different scientific fields. Healthcare is nowadays better
understood as a multidisciplinary field, with increasing number of
challenges that can be better tackled by joint collaboration of
researchers with different scientific backgrounds.
The challenges that Healthcare is facing have not only to do with the
ability of providing better services to all (treatments, preventive
medicine, better diagnosis tools), with an increased focus on improved
personalized treatment options, but also with the need to tackle an
increased pressure felt by Healthcare systems: increased number of
patients, some of them requiring expensive treatments, with a consequent
increase in the workload for health institutions that most of the times
have to deal with important budget restrictions.
The Conference will provide a forum in which researchers coming from
different scientific disciplines can discuss and share their experience
regarding methodological approaches to tackle different Healthcare
challenges. Contributions from operational research, industrial
engineering, medicine, medical physics, management, computational
biology, bioinformatics, health economics among others are welcomed.
If you are interested in organizing a stream please let us know
Confirmed streams:
·Health Informatics
·Radiotherapy Optimization
·Health Logistics and Scheduling
·Health Economics
Confirmed Plenary Speakers_
Sally Brailsford, University of Southampton
David Craft, Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital
Ben Heijmen, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute and Erasmus University Rotterdam
Alexandre Quintanilha, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar
Authors are invited to submit an abstract with not more than 350 words
or a full paper (4 to 10 pages) to be published in the conference
proceedings (Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)).
After the conference, authors of accepted abstracts and papers can
submit extended versions of their work to special issues:
·International Transactions in Operational Research
·Journal of Global Optimization (subject to a sufficient number of
Important Dates:_
Submission of Abstracts/ Papers: 17 October 2014
Notification of acceptance: 15 December 2014
Final abstract/paper due: 09 February 2015
Early Registration Deadline: 02 March 2015
Full Early registration
Full Late registration
Student Early registration
Student Late registration
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Dear all,
could you help us in sending this information to EWGLA members?
Special Issue of *Socio-Economic Planning Sciences*
*Location Analysis for Public Sector Decision-Making in Uncertain Times*
Guest Editors:
*Giuseppe Bruno*, University of Naples “Federico II”,Italy
*Andrea Genovese*, University of Sheffield, UK
*Socio-Economic Planning Sciences* will publish a special issue on recent
development in *Location Analysis for Public Sector Decision-Making*. The
goal is to …
[View More]compile state-of-the art research, spanning modeling, theory,
empirical studies, application and case studies in this research area. We
seek operations research oriented contributions that are rigorously
executed, clearly and succinctly written, and innovative relative to what
is currently known. In light of the scope of SEPS, all papers must clearly
demonstrate the relevance of their contributions with respect to the public
A facility location problem is aimed at finding the best position for a set
of facilities within a given region in order to optimize a specific
objective function. In the last decades, there have been many applications
concerning the location of public-sector facilities (i.e. schools or post
offices, emergency services, fire stations, hospitals, ambulances). These
models represent a viable decision support tool for institutions that are
planning to expand their capacity in a given region and/or market.
This very well established research strand, however, has to take into
account the changing and uncertain nature of our times. Indeed, in recent
years, due to the global recession and the general interest to reduce costs
and improve efficiency, public sector bodies have been more interested in
the rationalization of the current position of active facilities (either
closing down some of them or re-organizing the overall service supply
system). In this context, decisions may depend on various factors such as
the nature of the service and the characteristics of the demand.
Considering this context, the special issue will be welcoming papers
related to applications and theory of Location Analysis, with a special
emphasis on contributions addressing contemporary challenges.
All manuscripts should be submitted electronically via the Elsevier
Editorial System (EES)http://ees.elsevier.com/seps. You must select *Location
Analysis *as the Article Type to make sure that your paper will be
considered for the special issue. The submission deadline is *30 November
2014. *The plan is to publish the special issue in early 2016. Researchers
from all relevant disciplines are invited to consider this special issue as
an outlet to publish their quality work on this topic of increasing
significance. Inquiries on the special issue can be directed to the guest
editors (giuseppe.bruno(a)unina.it <Giuseppe.bruno(a)unina.it>,
*Dr Andrea Genovese (MSc, MBA, PhD)*
Lecturer in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Programme Director - MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Research Centre
Management School, The University of Sheffield
Room B.063, Conduit Road
Sheffield S10 1FL, UK.
Phone: +44 (0) 114 222 3347
E-mail: a.genovese(a)shef.ac.uk
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Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
Special Issue: Advances in alternative fuel vehicle transportation systems
Guest Editors:
Yongxi (Eric) Huang, Clemson University, USA, yxhuang(a)clemson.edu<mailto:yxhuang@clemson.edu>
Michael Kuby, Arizona State University, USA, mikekuby(a)asu.edu<mailto:mikekuby@asu.edu>
Joseph Y.J. Chow, Ryerson University, Canada, joseph.chow(a)ryerson.ca<mailto:joseph.chow@ryerson.ca>
The increasing pace of worldwide …
[View More]modernization and urbanization now requires the creation of more sustainable approaches to mitigate the effects of climate change and to manage large urban population centers. The transportation sector is facing a grand challenge regarding the evolution of new renewable energy sources to reduce the dependence on oil with a concurrent environmental stewardship. Recent technological advances in alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) (e.g., electric, natural gas, biofuel, and hydrogen) lend evidence to that continuing evolution.
However, before AFVs can be widely adopted in the marketplace, several deficiencies in these systems must first be resolved. For example, more alternative fueling stations (AFSs) must be built to alleviate range anxiety. New routing and scheduling strategies must be designed for service fleets and public transit systems that employ AFV technologies. Complex (often dynamic and nonlinear) interactions between users, technologies, and the underlying economy need to be better understood. Technologies and systems solutions are thereby needed in order to better understand the interactions between infrastructure, vehicles, and the users.
Scope of the Special Issue
This special issue will be focused on new problem formulations, models, and more effective exact or approximate solution approaches. Potential topics could come from different aspects that include but are not limited to the following:
* AFS near-and-long term planning on network
* Alternative fuel transit system planning and operations
* Smart AFV routing strategies
* Interactions between users, technologies, and economy
* Integrated models to evaluate broad impacts of AFV technologies, e.g., transportation-energy-land use interactions
* Interaction of public and private sectors in driving the technologies to marketplace
* New business/operational models enabled by AFVs, e.g., vehicle-to-grid operations
Submission Method
All submissions will go through the journal's standard peer-review process. For guidelines to prepare your manuscript and for manuscript submission, please visit http://ees.elsevier.com/trc. When submitting your manuscript, please choose "SI: AFV transport systems" for "Article Type". This is to ensure that your submission will be considered for this special issue instead of being handled as a regular paper. All submissions will be subject to the journal's standard peer review process. Criteria for acceptance include originality, contribution, and scientific merit.
Important Dates
Submission website opens: January 5, 2015
Submission deadline of full paper online: April 5, 2015
Feedback from first-round reviews: July 15, 2015
Feedback from second-round reviews (if indicated): October 15, 2015
Final manuscripts due: December 15, 2015
Planned publication: 2016
All inquiries regarding this call for papers should be directed to Guest Editors, Drs. Yongxi (Eric) Huang (yxhuang(a)clemson.edu<mailto:yxhuang@clemson.edu>), Michael Kuby (mikekuby(a)asu.edu<mailto:mikekuby@asu.edu>), and Joseph Chow (joseph.chow(a)ryerson.ca<mailto:joseph.chow@ryerson.ca>) or to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Yafeng Yin (yafeng(a)ce.ufl.edu<mailto:yafeng@ce.ufl.edu>).
Michael Kuby, Professor
School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-5302
480-965-6850 (phone) 480-965-8313 (fax)
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Dear Locators,
As announced at the EWGLA session of the latest ISOLDE conference, the time has come to elect a new EWGLA Board. It will be a new one since the current board is not available for re-election.
The details of the election process can be found on the EWGLA website (http://www.euro-online.org/ewgla/) and at the end of this email.
Members are invited to submit proposals for new board candidates until 30th of September 2014.
The voting itself will take place from 1st of November …
[View More]until 30th of November 2014. Details on that will be given after the submission deadline.
The EWGLA board
Sibel Alumur Alev
Ioannis Giannikos
Mercedes Landete Ruiz
Guidelines for the election of a new EWGLA Coordination Board:
- A EWGLA Board consists of three people from different countries;
- Every second EWGLA meeting (which corresponds roughly to 3 years), a new EWGLA Board is elected which should correspond to a total renovation of the previous Board;
- Only EWGLA members can be part of a EWGLA Board;
- A proposal can be made by every EWGLA member and should reflect the will of three people to work together on the coordination of EWGLA;
- A EWGLA member can be part of at most one proposal;
- The proposals should be sent by e-mail to the current EWGLA Board (ewgla-board(a)euro-online.org);
- After receiving all the proposals, the current EWGLA Board will inform all EWGLA members about the existing proposals and will conduct a voting process;
- The deadline for the submission of proposals is determined by the current EWGLA Board but will be no less than 30 days before the voting. All the process should be completed and the corresponding results announced before the EWGLA meeting in which the new board takes office;
- The elected board takes office in the EWGLA session of the EWGLA meeting.
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